Trapped Inside

801 17 12

I wake up in a cold sweat. My breathing is uneven and and rapid. I take a moment to calm down and take a few deep breathes.

I sit up and rest my head and back against the firm headboard. I lean over to my right and grab my large mug and take a long, lengthily sip of water to calm my nerves and re-hydrate.

I place the mug back down. I turn on the lam that is on the same bedside-table as my mug. Once the light is on and illuminates the entirety of the room, I check my watch.

My watch says that it is 3:49AM despite the natural light.

 'I immediately need to get my watch fixed tomorrow' 

I scratch my head and stretch. I let out a huge yawn and stand up. I brush the creases out of my suit to the best of my ability and go downstairs.

(time skip beyatch)

I grab a fire extinguisher and ram it against the fragile wooden door, only for the fire extinguisher to fucking dissipate!

I'm starting to get really pissed now.

I huff and lean against the door. I slowly slouch down until I am sitting down on the floor. I run my hands through my hair and let out a nervous chuckle. I check my watch and IT STILL SAYS 3:49AM.

Suddenly I hear a creak and and I go tumbling back.

I hastily stand up again and regain my composure. I run my hands through my hair again but this time with the intention to straighten it up again.

There is nothing but a gaping void behind the door.

I hesitantly take a step forward, always checking my surroundings, when the door slams shut again and I fall asleep again.

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