Song Attack

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Pandemonica POV

I had to get up to do work as usual, and since Taker was still asleep I had no coffee. Hooray. I booted up my computer and started working, only to be met with a message.

Pandemonica: A fatal error has occurred? What!? I do not have the time or energy to deal with this shit.

I tried to shut the computer down, but nothing happened. More fatal error messages popped up. Then I heard a glitch distorted voice.

???: Oh? You think you can get rid of me that easily? I don't think so.

Suddenly a red demonic face appeared on screen.

Suddenly a red demonic face appeared on screen

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Pandemonica: The fuck?

???: I am Fatal Error. All code in this computer is now mine.

Pandemonica: WHAT!?! NO! I NEED THAT!!!

Fatal Error: Well, then let's battle. Winner gets to keep the code.

Fatal Error tossed me a microphone, through the screen, and began to play music. I was confused until arrows started coming out of the screen towards me.

Pandemonica: Ow! Hey! FUCK! (Imagine everytime getting hit what you say is in sync with the song so even if you miss you don't interupt the song)

Damn those arrows hurt. Eventually he popped out of the screen in a different form. I tried to attack him but it had no affect. I was pretty beat by the time he finished.

Fatal Error: Say goodbye to your code.

Pandemonica: No. No! NOOOO!!!

Modeus POV

I had just finished with Taker. I was about to go to sleep when I felt something grab my leg and drag me under the bed. I got up and found myself in an unfamiliar region of Hell where everything was green. Then I saw a giant lizard.

Modeus: You and me now, big boy. You look like your carrying a lot.

He roared and music started playing, at which point weird shit started to happen. Arrows started flying, everything was spinning, the arrows he was hitting fucking hurt me.

By the time the music stopped I was to hurt to feel like having sex.

Cerberus POV

Something woke us up and caught our attention outside.

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