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I woke up feeling really sore, I saw I had dried blood on my clothes. Judgement was on the other couch also looking pretty beat up.

Judgement: You did good. I'm impressed.

Me: Thanks Judgement, you were pretty cool too. Great job especially hitting me with that surprise chain.

Judgement: Wow, first time someone's actually something positive towards for impaling them with my chains.

Me: Well you normally do that under different circumstances. This was a fight meant for fun.

Justice: Great to hear you're both doing good.

Me: Oh hey Justice. How long have we been out?

Justice: You both been out for about a day. Judgement woke up about an hour before you did.

Me: Huh, ok.

Then Azazel came in.

Azazel: Oh good! You're finally awake! I have several questions to ask you!

Me: I'm not feeling it, so just ask one.

Azazel: Ok. you able to heal so fast? Is that a new ability or did you always have that?

Me: Wait what?

I pulled up my shirt and saw my wounds weren't as bad as they should've been.

Me: Huh, would you look at that. Guess I also got accelerated healing.

Azazel: So you weren't aware of it?

Me: No. But I'm glad I have it, otherwise I would be in a much worse situation.

I looked around and saw Cerberus and Modeus tied up.

Me: What the heck did you guys do?

Modeus: I tried to have some fun experimenting with Mr. Delivery Guy using love potions. But they're still experimental.

Cerberus: Harrasing. The. Neighbors.

Me: Next time invite me to cause some mischief. Sounds like fun.


Me: Ok, fine. I won't.

I winked at Cerberus, they nodded.

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