Baking the Wondertart

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3rd POV

After a few days, Slash was let out. When he finally was out he looked terrible. He had dark spots over him, as if he'd been bruised badly. He had cuts all over him with dried blood surrounding them. His limbs were bent at odd angles and some off his teeth were missing. The demons he considered his friends decided to leave him in his room to heal. Azazel wanted to observe him heal but she was stopped so he could be alone without someone creepily watching him. He was out for the rest of the day and was up the next.

Slash POV

I woke up back on Earth, that was a relief. I went to eat something but saw Lucifer standing outside the door.

Lucifer: Well, I let you out. That means you owe me.

Me: Really? What do I owe you?

Lucifer: Make that special treat you refused to make or even say the ingredients for.

Me: Oh I see. You want the Wondertart. Well I'm no Chef Saltbaker, but I should be able to do a decent enough job to make sure it's at least edible.

Lucifer looked confused and annoyed.

Lucifer: I don't even know what half of that means, just make it.

Me: "It" is called the Wondertart. And I need very specific ingredients. Distillery Dough, Gnome Berries, Icy Sugar Cubes, Desert Limes, Pineapple Mint, and one that I'll need your help specifically for.

Lucifer: Ugh, just worry about it after you get the other stuff.

Me: Ok, but this'll take awhile since I have to go to different parts of the world.

Lucifer: Fine! Get Pandemonica and tell her I said to go with you so she can open portals to wherever you need to go.

Skip to finding Pandemonica

Me: Soooo yeah, sorry. That's what she said.

Pandemonica: Of fucking course, more work and more delays.

Me: Hey, you just have to open portals. That's it, consider it a break, even if it does slow you down a bit from all of Hell's paperwork.

Pandemonica: Don't remind me, but fine. I'll take whatever break I can.

Me: Good, I hope you're immune to freezing cold. If not I'll make a bubble shield to protect you.

Pandemonica: Why'd you ask? Where exactly are we going?

Timeskip to Antarctica

Me: Well, here we are. Time to find the giant living snowman.

Pandemonica: Why did you have to bring this up?

Me: To annoy her.

We passed by a giant spaceship buried in the ice, 2 burned down outposts, and some charred corpses.

Me: Wow, there's definitely an interesting story behind what happened here. Probably enough to fill up 2 movies.

Pandemonica: Let me guess, something to do with you being from another Earth?

Me: You found out, huh? Yeah, its from 2 horror movies. But the alien should be dead.

A little while later we found a giant building made of ice. We went inside and I saw the Frosty Sugar. Before I could grab it, a giant monster snowman with razor sharp icicles for teeth and claws.

Me: This match will get red hot, AND BEGIN!

I shot at the head and blew it up, but being a snowman it could still live without a head. It couldn't hurt me cause of the bubble shield, but at the same time the snowman kept regenerating since there was snow all around for it to heal.

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