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Another day went by, and Sonic was being held up by the maids who were putting him in his blue off the shoulder, puffy dress, as well as putting make up on him, when he was done, he gives one last look at his reflection, he didn't look like himself, quills her neatly brushed and trimmed, the tiara rests on his head, fake eyelashes, and pale blue lipstick on his lips, with a little bit of pink blush on his cheeks, perl white elbow length gloves.

The sound of people can be heard down the halls of the castle, it was only eight PM at night.

Aleena and her Husband Jules, were greeting the guest that were invited to the ball, Aleena shook hands with Rouge, who was wearing a dark purple sparkly dress, with black elbow length gloves, behind her was Shadow, wearing the black suit that he picked out when he was at tailors, Myers was wearing the his suit that he picked out when at the tailors. Maria right beside him, wearing a black dress that faded into a deep blue at the button, as for Ivo, well he got away with wearing his normal clothes, since not many tailors can make a suit that fits him.

Myers and Shadow were pushing through the crowd to and find Sonic, but both hedgehogs didn't see him, though they did get to meet his siblings, Manic and Sonia. The two soon stopped their search.

"Attention everyone..." Aleena called out from the stair balcony looking out at the crowd of people. "Thank you all for coming...and thank you G.U.N for finding my daughter, as much as this celebration is celebrating her return, it also to celebrate the announcement of her engagement"

"Engagement!" Both Myers and Shadow repeated to themselves, both hedgehog's looked away from the Queen to look down, in disappointment, but the darker blue hedgehog was taking the announcement the worst, it just felt he was hit by train, or something inside him shard to millions of pieces.

"And the one that is marrying my daughter, is non-other than Prince Elias, if the Acorn Kingdom" Aleena finished, and the two the blue hedgehog and brown squirrel walked out from behind the curtain, waving at the guests, Sonic forced a smile on his muzzle.

Shadow saw Sonic in the dress, and he felt his cheeks heat up, looking at the princess. Myers also saw how beautiful Sonic was in the dress, as well as how unhappy Sonic looked even if the rest of the crowd couldn't see it, but Myers can tell that Sonic was forcing himself to smile.

The ball started, and Sonic was standing with Elias, who was wearing a matching suit to his dress, Elias did most of the talking for Sonic, since the hedgehog refused to speak, but he saw a familiar pair of quills, in the line.

"Sonic!" Shadow said, the blue hedgehog smiled at Shadow, this one was genuine, and not fake, he was happy to see to Shadow. "I...I have to say you look stunning...but I want to apologize to you for br-"

"What do you think your doing Agent..." Elias growled, as he pulls Sonic over to him, the darker hedgehog didn't really like fact that the squirrel had his hands on Sonic, but this was a Prince, and therefore he didn't have a place to say on the matter, he just grumbles to himself "just having a chat with the Princess...but congratulations on the engagement, your Majesty"

Sonic wanted to know what Shadow wanted to say, but it was to late the black and red hedgehog had already left. Making the blue hedgehog tilt his ear back, he didn't want to be at ball, anymore...but he really didn't have a say in his life either, he lets out a sad sigh, it felt as if his heart was being broken.

"Hey..." Sonic turned his attention to Myers, the darker hedgehog sounded sad, "I guess this is goodbye...I really enjoyed having you with us" Myers said, he just lets out a sigh, but he puts in a smile, "Congratulations...on the engagement"

"Finally a civil mobian" Elias said. "Enjoy the ball sir"

Myers walked into the ball room, with the other guests ball music was playing, as people were dancing, he looks up at the ceiling, apart of him wanted to cry...while other part of him wanted to kidnap Sonic, and take him away from this place.

Sonic on the other hand, looked at Elias and motioned that he was going to the bathroom, the squirrel only nodded, the blue hedgehog made his way to the bathroom, he looked out at the window, the knights were busy with the ball, and the news crew, the blue hedgehog pulls the vent cover out of the way, having to have been unscrewed, and he started to crawl his way through the vent, he didn't care about the dress or changing his clothes, he was done being a pawn...done listening to his mother.

Meanwhile back at the party, Elias opens the doors to the ball room, causing an echo in the room, "THE PRINCESS IS MISSING!"

Everyone in the ball room gasps, while the Queen simply growled to herself, "That little brat!" She thought, as she stood up. "GUARDS"

Knights came into the room, looking at the Queen. "Find Princess Michelle, and bring her back" the Knights nodded and took their leave to search for Sonic.

Shadow had already chaos controlled out of the castle to his own searching. While Myers had blurred out of the castle.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Sonic had tears in his eyes, as he just ran his paws hurting from the heels that was he was wearing, his dress getting dirty, and his makeup ruined from the his tears, he looked back to see if someone was following him, causing him to grip on the fabric of the dress and fall into a puddle getting his dress soaked, and covered in the dirt that was in the puddle.

"She probably went this way!"

Sonic sniffs, when heard the guards, picking himself up and onwards, he didn't know where he was going but didn't want to be here. His paws were starting to cramp up...but the blue hedgehog ignored the pain.


Sonic gasps when he saw the knight, he took a step back his heel causing him to fall backwards on the ground, he yelps hurting his ankle.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Sonic's eyes fluttered opened, and he saw that he was still in the same dress he wore at the ball, but the room was the dark, he tried to get up but falls to the floor, he pulls his dress to see a shackle on his ankle. He whimpered and he looks over to see metal bars on the door window and window, but his room was more like a prison cell.


The blue hedgehog's ears perked up and rushes over to the door, as far as the shackle could go, "Sonic!" Myers called out. "Chaos your Okay..."

Sonic started to cry softly, as he held his hand out through the bars. He felt something warm holding his hand. "I'm sorry...I'm so...sorry" Myers called out.  "B-But I'll get you out of here...I promise..." The darker blue hedgehog press his hand through bars to caress Sonic's cheek, they both heard footsteps coming. "I'm not...going to let her get between us..."

Sonic only whimpers, as he nuzzles into Myers' hand without thinking he kisses the palm on the hand, making the darker blue hedgehog blush at the feeling, it wasn't a kiss...but it was enough to give him hope, he pulls his hand away from Sonic, putting the armor back on. "I'll come back for you...I promise..." he said as he quickly took his leave.

Sonic just falls to the floor, sobbing to into his hands, he didn't know what his Mother was going to do with him, after attempt of running away.

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