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A black cat dressed in a navy blue long sleeve vest, over her white dress shirt, with a navy blue neck tie that was underneath the dressing collar, a tight navy blue skirt, with black lace leggings, navy blue heels, black gloves and a ridding cropped in her hands, straight black hair, with a dark gray muzzle.

Sonic was wearing a solid black angel sleeve, off the shoulder dress, with white ankle socks, with black slip ons, fake eyelashes, and light black lipstick. The blue hedgehog hated make up, but the maids dressed him to get him ready for class.

"Now, a Proper Princess, listens to her Prince, whatever the Prince wants and asks, is as expected that for a Princess to please her Prince" Lady Jennifer said.

Sonic looks down, before he lets out a squeaks when the riding cropped was smacked against the table hard, his attention was snapped back to the cat and he nodded agreeing with her. "Good, after all this is for the future of our kingdom..." the cat goes back to talking about how a proper princess should act, compared to what the cat calls Parasite Commoners and Filthy Rats making Sonic feel bad...they weren't any of those things. He just wish he could do something to help them out.

Sonic was shown how he should greet guests, as well as how to dance properly at the ball, any mistakes he made he was smacked hard with the riding crop and shouted to do it again, his own Mother watching and shaking her head disapproving of her son's actions. Manic and Sonia watched were glad to see that their brother had returned but didn't really like the treatment that he was receiving.

The rest of the day was all that great for Sonic, the maids had him back on his strict diet, that help him keep that hourglass looked, after giving him medication to vomit out any of the weight that he had gained over the five years and six weeks. He only caught glimpses of Manic and Sonia, but they two weren't allowed to interact with him. It was Improper for a Princess.

When Sonic was forced back into his room, he just stumbles to the ground picking himself up, he saw two knights taking their place on each side of the door, the hedgehog looked up to see a light blue off the shoulder dress, and his golden tiara on sparkling under the sunlight, it was the dress that he was going to wear at the ball, as well as the light blue heels. He tilted his ears back, as he tries to stop the urge of crying. He only has a week to get to know the Prince that he never met, before marriage was forced onto him. The twenty-year old pulls his knees in.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

The Robotnik Family was at a tailor, Myers and Shadow were getting fancy suits, and Maria a nice dress.

The two male hedgehogs were the same changing room, since none of them care if the other saw the other changing.

"Look, Metal...I should've listen to you..." Shadow said braking the silence.

"It doesn't change the fact...of what you did..." Myers snapped.

"..." Shadow who was in a black suit, with a white dressing shirt underneath and a black bow tie, with matching pantsuit, he grabs a hold of Myers and turns him to face him. "And That's why I wanted to apologize...she just didn't look happy when I brought her back, and looking over it when she was with us"

Myers looks at Shadow, his ears tilted back. "Happy...I know" he responded he pushes Shadow hand off of his shoulders. "I don't know what you were thinking...but ruined my chances of experience something that I never experienced before" the darker blue hedgehog, had finished buttoning up his white suit with a little hint of blue in the fabric, a light gray dress shirt, underneath with a black cloth on his shoulders under the collar of the dress shirt, matching pants.

Shadow blinks "Wait...you"

"Never experienced Love? Yes I haven't just not in the way that I feel about the Doctor, and Maria, but the feeling of wanting to spend the rest of immortal life with kind of love" Myers finished his sentence. "Not everyone can be like you Ultimate Life Form...living for fifty-five years, and having to experience everything"

"...Tsk, I guess we both got to experience a new emotion when we were with Sonic..." Shadow said he takes a deep breath. "When the Doctor showed me what he was working on...I couldn't help but to feel jealous,"

Myers shifted his gaze over to Shadow, he really can't believe what he was hearing.

"You came from a perfect machine, to being this organic creature, that was a fast learner...retain memory that you had when you were a robot, as well as able to understand emotions" Shadow shakes his head "I guess I just felt like that I wasn't special anymore...or worst replaced"

Myers was about to say something when he noticed the blue bow tie had been tied. "And seeing you with Sonic...just made that part of me hate you even more"

"I never thought I get to hear you admit your feelings" Myers said, Shadow folded his arms "Don't fucking push it..."

"Right...but if this really is the last time we are going see her" Myers said as he lets out a sigh.

"It's not...unlike that prince we known her longer, and I know she has in her to speak up..." Shadow lets out a sigh "She just needs a push."

The two shared a smiled with each other before Shadow pushes Myers' face out of his face "Okay that's enough of the sappiness I'm going to be sick...if I have to look at your stupid smile"

Myers chuckles "Glad to have you back Shadow..."

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