chapter 15

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All week cat saw Nathaniel laughing and talking to together and it made him angry and he didn't know why.

Marinette noticed him being strange and vowed to talk to him after school.

*Ring ring*, all the children sprinted out the gate..... Afterall it was Friday.

Cat sighed in happiness, "I love Fridays", he said while smiling. "I do to", a tender voice said from behind him.

He turned around to see Marinette. "Oh uh ok", he said while shrugging. Marinette noticed his akward behavior towards her and she asked, "what's wrong?", Cat sighed.

"Nothing", he said shaking his head. Marinette sighed, "I know there's something wrong please tell me what it his is.....did I do something wrong?", She asked perfusely.

Cat started to walk and she ran after him. "Hey!! Tell me what's wrong please", she said while grabbing his hand and pulling him to her.

Cat scoffed, "why should I? You never have time for me anyway", he said in an offended tone.

Marinette was shocked. She didn't even understand what he meant by that. "W-what do you mean I don't have time for you?", Mary asked confused.

"Why don't you ask your new boyfriend", he said. Then he walked off. Marinette stood there in shock, she now understood what and who he meant by "boyfriend" but Nathaniel wasn't even her boyfriend he wasn't even her type.

But she was still confused about why he was so angry. If Nathaniel was actually her boyfriend so what? What does that have to do with him getting angry at her.......alot actually.

But she didn't understand. Marinette opened her bedroom door and put her bag down. She layed in the bed.

She took out her phone and then she realized she didn't even get cat's at all. She put her phone down and grabbed her bag.

She searched through it to find her essay on the science project. She then began to read it.

"For the science project catnoir and I are partners. First we started in the neck area, he slowly kissed my neck..... As a result I felt heat through out my body, he then held my waist and pushed me towards the wall", (Bla bla BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA, I ain't writing no essay cause I lazy you must be crazy 🤣😂 so let's skip to the end.

"After that we rubbed against eachother causing my body to become stiff. I tried to relax but my body reactions would not let me, I felt enormous pleasure as we rubbed against eachother. My body was heated and it was the most amazing feeling in the world", she stopped reading since she reach the end.

Marinette held her chest, because when she was reading she felt this slight tingling sensation in her chest it felt good...... But she didn't know what was happening to her.

Her eyes scan the words, "he slowly kissed my neck", on the essay. She layed back on her bed while still holding her chest tightly in her grasp.

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