Chapter 6

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Author's note: so sorry for the very late update but I have a surprise :) Just wanna say for the ppl that might stop reading just because it's not the smut of the two ppl they waited for, there's gonna be more with our fellow shadowsinger later ;)

This chapter contains smut 

Mor had arrived at Eileánóir's dorm two hours ago. It had been a school day that she didn't attend and when Eil' opened the door to find Mor with a bag, she didn't question her and just let her inside. They had spent a few afternoons playing video games but Mor had never stayed for the night. It was something that sometimes surprised her: Eileànòir helped her as soon as she met her in that school and, without any questions, opened her home to her. Again today, Eileánóir just showed her where and how to shower then cooked dinner for both of them after setting another mattress on the floor.  

"Do you know any clubs around here?" Mor asked after another game of Mario Kart. It was a Friday night and she missed going out in Prythian to drink until she couldn't stand. 

Eileánóir looked at her for a few seconds and Mor felt that she hesitated before saying something. "I do know a place," she started saying after a while, hesitant. "But I don't know if you'll be okay with it." Mor frowned at that.

"Why wouldn't I be okay with it?" Mor arched a brow, not understanding the sudden awkwardness. 

"Well," Eil' cleared her throat. "There's this club that I like to go to," she finally looked at Mor after avoiding her gaze. "But it's a gay club," she finally said. On Prythian, Mor had never heard that word as they don't really have a word for it but while doing her research on this world she had stumbled on the subject. It was reassuring to read about a community like her but it was also frightening to see how other people acted against them. 

She understood now what Eil' tried to tell her and why she could be hesitant and it surprised her. She did love Azriel when she was in Prythian so could a few months have changed that? She realised that it had been quite some time since she started thinking about the situation and Eil' was waiting for a reaction, anything from her and started to worry about what she had said. 

"It would be great to go there," Mor finally said, smiling at Eileánóir. As soon as she said that, Eil' relaxed her shoulders that had been tense from the discussion and stood up, going to the bathroom to take all her makeup so they could get ready. 

They didn't speak again about that subject during the hour they took to get ready, like an unspoken rule that they might not be ready to share that about themselves but Eil' was content, almost relieved that this weight was removed from her shoulders. 

They had taken the metro and then walked to the bar where they had met some people in the line to enter the place and were now on a table at the side of the dancefloor with their drinks. Eileánóir was already feeling better and less shy as the alcohol in her drink was spreading in her body and quickly getting to her head. She had always been a heavy drinker growing up, being able to drink litres of beer before actually feeling bad but as she had spent so much time without drinking, she had lost the habit and was now already giggling at the girls in front of her talking. Luckily or unluckily, Mor was slowly getting to the same state as she was drinking much faster and was already at her third drink. 

She didn't know if it was the many drinks she had or that Britney Spears was playing but she quickly found herself dragging Mor to the dancefloor. She had danced with a few women that night but Mor was different. She couldn't deny that the blonde girl was beautiful nor the fact that she could have a little crush on her. She had spent quite a few evenings talking and playing video games with her and with that, the feelings might have grown. She didn't know if Mor was feeling the same but she wouldn't worry about that now and just dance with her and drink to forget everything else. 

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