Ding Dong, Wedding Bells

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After being released from jail and sent on our way with only a warning (thank the Lord) the Super Glitches split up. The girls went with Georgina and the boys went with me. We were getting cars to the hotel booked for the reception, taking whatever we needed sneakily along the way.

"This is brilliant!" Shaade enthused, bouncing in his seat. "A wedding!"

"You've already been to one," Josh reminded him. "Ours."

"I know, but it's more exciting when something bad might happen and it won't ruin my day."

I stated at the shadow demon for quite a few seconds. "Seriously?" I said in a disbelieving tone.

"It's funny! Now lighten up, Mr Scientist, it's your special day." Shaade clapped me on the shoulder and pushed me out of the car, propelling me towards the hotel.

"Does he ever get hangovers?" S muttered, rubbing his forehead with a look of regret on his face. I didn't have time to hear Josh's reply before Shaade threw me into a lift, darting back to the reception desk for keys at the last minute.


I shifted my feet and fiddled with my tie. The registrar, vicar, priest - whoever it was - gave me a stern look and I stopped, tapping a rhythm on my leg.

"You'll be fine," Shaade reassured me, whispering in my ear. He'd calmed down considerably since the morning, getting into 'best man' mode. We had become close friends since meeting, his infectious attitude drawing me to him. But in all honesty, it was a miracle I hadn't slapped him by that point for sheer irritatingness.

"It's just adrenaline."

"I have enough of that," I hissed in reply. "What do you think makes me so fast?"


The organ music began and I stilled my nervous movements, heart going quicker than I'd ever ran. A slight breeze told me that the doors had opened at the back of the large, airy, glass structure we'd decided to have the ceremony in.

I turned my head to look over my shoulder and a smile split across my face. Georgina was walking down the aisle on the arm of Josh who had kindly stepped in as father role seeing as hers were in another dimension and mine were dead.

"Wow," I breathed. She was dressed in the most exquisite dress I'd ever seen, to my eyes anyway. It had laced net over her shoulders and the same stitched pattern went over the front, flowers, leaves and vines. At the bottom of the dress the pattern went up, reaching just below knee height. It was made of satin and silk with a long, widespread train. To match the dress she had a long, floaty veil on her head, swept back over immaculately brushed hair. Usually it was fluffy, slightly knotted and tied back but that day it was neater that day, down to her shoulders with not one tangle. A bright, glowing smile was on her face, eyes sparkling.

"You look beautiful," I whispered when she reached my side. She acknowledged my words with a nod. I could see that her hands were shaking, from both nervousness and excitement, just like me.

"Ladies and gentlemen... and dog," the holy dude said, glancing at Lulu sat on Sophie's lap uncertainly. The dog was grinning - well, appearing too. She had a bit of white lace around her collar and a satin cape on.

The ceremony began and I took Georgina's hand, head held high with pride and exhilaration.


The ceremony ended traditionally, with the kiss. I twisted it a little by picking her up and blurring away, laughing. She wrapped her arms around my neck, shrieking, trying not to fall to the ground.

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