Panic! In The Town

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Tom melted the screen away at Georgina's command, causing the watching Super Glitches to groan and slowly walk away. Shaade stayed silent and Tom could see plainly the guilt in his dark eyes. Yes, dark - the blue had faded to deep black, the power racing around his body.

"Where did Bench go?" Tom asked, looking around for the twelve year old. Shaade shrugged and made his way to his room - with the amount of levels in the Stronghold, it was a wonder Pepper didn't get lost.

"He's been gone for ages," Josh answered. "He seemed to go with you three. At least, that's what we thought."

"So he mysteriously goes when we leave?" Tom murmured, thinking hard. "Interesting."

"Those comebacks were brilliant!" Emmi was saying enthusiastically as Tom wandered over.

"I know right?" Rebecca agreed. "Much better than mine."

"Anything's better than your comebacks, Becca," Sophie laughed. "Even Tom quoting Shakespeare."

"Shakespeare's cool!" Tom protested. "Such a brilliant writer, with so many good lines and words, characters and plots..."

"Why dwell on fiction when you're living the life of a freaking superhero?" Georgina chipped in, emerging from the spiral staircase with Pepper just behind.


I looked up from counting the metal stairs to see the others giving me curious and admiring looks. I rolled my eyes and released Georgina's hand, walking to the bar.

"I need a drink," I muttered, grabbing not a bottle of Coke but one of gin. I swiftly made myself a large gin and tonic, downing it quicker than you could blink. Spots popped before my eyes and I staggered slightly but reached for another glass.

"If Pepper's going to end up wasted on alcohol, so am I," Tom decided, joining me on a bar stool. "Pass us a glass."

"Let's go out somewhere," I said, a warm, fuzzy feeling spreading through my veins. "Hit the town, get out, irritate some people. Live the life of two free guys."

"You're not free," Georgina reminded me, putting one hand on my shoulder and flicking the crystal glass down the bar, away from my hands.

"So?" I grumbled, going to get the glass back. Georgina blocked my way and I groaned, slumping back in my seat.

"So be careful and don't get any diseases or I will burn all your clothes whilst you're wearing them," she warned. I grinned and kissed her on the cheek.

"Thanks. Tom, c'mon!"


Three hours later...

"So you're a proper businessman?" the girl asked, brushing invisible dirt off my T-Shirt.

"Oh yes," I nodded. "I own loads of companies, managing them all from the safety of my home. Well... mainly."

"Unhappily married, are we?" a second girl questioned, fingers stroking the back of my hand lightly.

"Not at all," I said, shaking my head and delighting at the flowers that appeared on people's ears. "No, happy enough. I just need a bit of a break."

"A break from what?"

"From my life. Oi, Tom, get over here!" I waved with my free hand and he stumbled his way over, followed by girls wearing at first glance barely anything.

"What is it?" he asked. The girls that were near me but not close enough to touch me sighed at the sound of his rich voice and he smiled.

"Ladies, this is my friend Tom," I said, patting the side of Tom's face. "Tom is single. Go at him."

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