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Hitting Backspace ♥

Copyright ©2014 black_sparklezz

All Rights Reserved.

'Hitting Backspace' is copyrighted under the Copyright Design and Patents Act of 1988. All rights are reserved by the creator and owner of these works, and no part f this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the prior permission of the author.

This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues are product of the author's imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Hey, this is Ariana Black ^-^ So glad you're here reading my book! You, my dear, are truly awesome! This is just a story I  thought up in the shower (that's where your mind works at its best). It's not perfect, but hey I tried my best :) I'm going to take you through the life of Willow Faye, an average girl, with a more-than-average dream. So grab a cup of cocoa and have fun reading!

Also, about my previous book 'Frost Love..... I am devastated to inform you that I will no longer be continuing with the story due to various reasons. I look back at the chapters I wrote and I see nothing but an amateur inexperienced writer. Well, believe it or not, I have improved quite a lot and cannot wait to start this story! So, those of you who have read 'Frost Love' and did not quite like it, give this a chance, it might surprise you.

The prologue is a bit short, I apologize, but I hope you like it nonetheless.

"Drench yourself in words unspoken; live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins. The rest is still unwritten" ―Natasha Belingfield

I believe that writing a book can be anyone's cup of tea (not that every book written will necessarily be a good one). What I mean to say is, writing is quite simple; it's nothing more than expressing one's thoughts in the written form. Even if one makes a mistake, there is always that trustworthy 'Backspace' staring right at you from the keyboard. One long press of the button and all your mistakes vanish.

I wish life was that easy. But sadly, it's not.

Take me for example. Much to my dismay, I couldn't just erase all the moments in my life that have caused me pain, nuisance, betrayal, misery, grief, anger or regretfullness that had dropped into my life like a sudden downpour of rain.

I look back at the time I first met him, how we bickered, how he frustrated me with his narcissistic comments, how I seethed with rage for days after our encounter. But then I saw his soft side, and I melted. I wish I could just undo him from my life just by hitting backspace and erase all the hurt he has inflicted upon me. But sadly, that's not how the world works.

My forefinger lingered an inch above the backspace button, teeth dug into my bottom lip, my forehead creased as I tried to decide whether to press the button or not. One highlight and a press of the button is all it would take to keep all his secrets, his dishonesty and his wrong-doings only to ourselves, no evidence of it at all. But if this gets out, the whole world will know him for the deceitful person he truly is. All it comes down to is a single click. As simple as that.

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"How dare you!" I screamed at him, letting all of my fury and frustration out. He simply stood there, his face void of any emotion, as if he was expecting this outburst from me. You know what, he should. Any other person in my situation would do the exact same thing. In fact, considering the circumstances, I could say that I was taking it rather well.

I felt a tear stream down my face but it was unnoticeable in the heavy rain. "I trusted you! I stood up for you! I defended you from all those rumors! And you, you turned out to be the exact opposite of the kind of person I thought you were. I could understand if you lied to the rest of the world, you had your reasons. But lying to me? That just hurts."

His blue eyes were fixed on me, as droplets of rain gelled his hair down to his forehead. He ran his tongue over his lip and shook his wet hair softly.

"I know, and I'm sorry Willow. It all started with a motive, but being with you, seeing you every day, laughing with you, touching you, my feelings for you grew. That part of me was real." He took a deep breath and spoke softly with his thick British accent. "I love you Willow, and I know you like me too."

I paused for a moment, taking all what he had said in. If he thought that that would dim my anger, he was clearly mistaken. "How should I believe anything you say now? For all I know, it could be just another lie." I said, my body trembling partly because of my anger, and partly because of the cold rain. I struggled to keep the wet hair out of my eyes.

He put his hands on my shoulders and looked deeply into my eyes. "Believe me, it's not."

I shrugged his hand off. "And believe me, I don't like you, I never have and never will."

That's when I turned and walked away, leaving him alone in the pouring rain. I heard a faint call, but chose to ignore it.

I knew I had told the truth, well to some extent. I did like him, but right now, I wasn't sure how I felt about him anymore.

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