Come what may

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After 4 months of torturing you guys - my lovely readers - I've finally written the final chapter of Love Happens! But remember a second book is in planning! :) More news on that later! Follow me on twitter for news on my stories! @idamariekaas <3

Without further ado...


Chapter 29 - Come what may


         “I’m fine. Just leave me alone!” yelled Hermione from one of the stalls in the bathroom, I let out a sigh but knocked on the door again.

         “I can tell you’re not fine. If you were, you wouldn’t be barfing your guts up at the moment!” I growled and pulled the doorknob once again. The bathrooms at the school were under a spell so Alohomora wouldn’t work on them, it was actually pretty smart, but in times like this it was a pain in my arse. Luckily only a few seconds passed by before the lock clicked open. I yanked the door open and found my beloved girlfriend sitting on the floor with her back leaning on the side of the stall. She glanced up at me with wet eyes. I immediately sat down next to her and pulled her close to me, holding me in a tight embrace, as I kissed the top of her head.

         “It’s okay, love. You’ll be all right soon.” I whispered as Hermione burst into tears, soaking my shirt. I stroked her hair carefully as I kept whispering the same words, once in a while I glanced at Ginny who stared helplessly back at us. Eventually she left Hermione and me alone when she went to find Harry and Ron.

         “What’s wrong with me?” Hermione whimpered when she was finally done crying, she looked at me, confused and terrified. I kissed her forehead.

         “I don’t know, love. I don’t understand it. Madam Pomfrey couldn’t find anything wrong with you, and she’s one of the best healers I know.” I said in exasperation. Hermione let out a sob. “When did this all start?” I asked.

         “I don’t remember. I think a week or so ago, I’ve been feeling nauseous when waking up the last week, but I haven’t thrown up before yesterday.” She muttered.

         “Maybe it’s just a bad case of food poisoning. It’ll probably be over in a day or two.”

         “You think?”

         “Yes. Come on, you need to get a shower, because, to be honest, you smell like barf, my love.” I stood up and pulled her with me.

         “You’re a jerk, you know that right?” Hermione joked, I put my arm around her waist and we began walking.

         “Yes, but I’m a jerk who’s completely in love with you.” I said loud and proud, making Hermione giggle.

         “I love you too.” She said. Our walk to our room was a quiet one, but we didn’t need to talk, I just held Hermione close. When we arrived to our room, Hermione immediately stripped down and went into the bathroom. It kept striking me how gorgeous Hermione was, with and without clothes. She was like an angel, absolutely perfect. Bloated or not.


Bloated? Yeah, she’d been bloated before when she was on her period, but as far as I knew that was supposed to be . . . Hold on. When did Hermione last get her period? Oh bloody hell!

I ran to the bathroom door, “Hermione!” the water wasn’t running yet, so I knew she could hear me, “Hermione, God damn it! Open the goddamn door!” I yelled. No reaction. I pulled out my wand, “Alohomora!” nothing happened, with a frustrated growl I said the only spell I could think of. “Bombarda!” the door blasted open and I found Hermione staring at herself in the mirror with horror. Apparently she had noticed it too.

Love Happens - A Draco/Hermione Story [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now