Then, Now, and Again - Again Part 6

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Author: rulersmakebadlovers

Again: 2016

Half the album is nearly finished within two and a half months. There was still quite a bit of mixing and editing to do, but you're surprised by the progress. Mostly it was Mick who was keeping everyone in line, which was quite shocking but worked out very well for the band.

Your relationship with Lindsey remained.....complicated as it always had been. The last sexual encounter you had was in the kitchen over two months ago. That didn't mean you hadn't remained close and it definitely didn't mean you didn't take the opportunity to tease each other into sexual frustration.

Your sexual frustration was starting to get to you. It made you feel....frazzled and you may or may not have been a little snippy with everyone you spoke to today.

You were sitting on the couch in the studio going over your lyrics and changing a few of them. You glance at Lindsey who was strumming on his guitar. He wasn't even playing a song. He was just making noise.

"Can you stop? I'm trying to write," you say to him.

"What is wrong with you today?" He asks, setting the guitar aside.

"I'm trying to work and you're distracting me with that damn guitar."

"You used to like it when I would just strum on it!"

"Please, Lindsey. I need to finish this song." You plead to him because the song was so close to being done and you wanted to sing it today. You hated writing in front of the others, but they wouldn't let you leave until you finished your song.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry." He says, looking at you nervously like he doesn't want a fight.

You nod a little and get back to writing until the song is done, and you walk into the already packed sound booth, showing everyone the song and discussing what you want it to sound like. Once everyone seemed to get it down, you sat down to begin recording.

12 takes. You had done 12 fucking takes and could not get the song right. It wasn't the band. It was you. Finally you took your headphones off and threw them down, "I need a break."

Mick nodded, "I think we all do."

Everyone rushed out of the sound booth and headed for beers and soda and food. They were probably ready for a break six takes ago.

You run your hand through your hair and head upstairs to your room. You lock the door and head straight for your bedside table. You needed a release. That was the problem. That was the source of your frustration. It would have been fine if you or Lindsey would just give in about the no sex thing, but neither of you would give it up. It was becoming a game but it was also killing you.

You dig around in the drawer until you finally find what you're looking for and you pull it out. Relief is already starting to wash over you as you lay the vibrator on the bed and slip off your leggings and your panties. You'd be needing a new pair of those anyway thanks to Lindsey-I won't fuck you-Buckingham. Just being near him these days could make you squirm. You'd never wanted anyone that badly. You can't even remember if you wanted him that badly when you two were young and just starting your relationship.

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