Then, Now, and Again - Again Part 5

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Author: rulersmakebadlovers

Again: 2016

The weeks pass by in somewhat of a flurry. You forgot how exhausting it was to put together an album with the whole band. Not that it wasn't fun. It was just so much editing, mixing, and getting the sounds right to make a hit. No, not just hit; but something that appealed to all generations. Something like Seven Wonders that became popular again for a brief time among the American Horror Story crowd. That was the kind of hit you needed.

You sat between Lindsey's legs on the floor, your back pressed securely against his chest, your head on his shoulder. There had been no sex, as agreed upon. In fact, the bathroom was the last sexual encounter you had with him. Still, nothing was going to keep you away from each other. He held his electric guitar across your lap; arms wrapped around you as he strummed it. You smiled, remembering how he used to do this when you were younger and you had nothing but Lindsey and his guitars.

"Hey, little Miss Tambourine, are you going to sit with your boyfriend all day or get your ass in here and do something productive? Mick asks as he peeks his head out of the sound room.

You laugh and Lindsey let's you up. You gently shove Mick on your way into the room, "he's not my boyfriend and you do not have to be a jerk."

"Time is money, little girl."

You roll your eyes and grab your lyrics and headphones before sitting down on your stool to sing. You glance over the lyrics and say, "we need our guitarist for this."

Mick sighs and calls Lindsey into the room, "Can you two act like professionals?"

"I thought I was producing?" Lindsey says.

"You are, I'm just making sure you all don't act like idiots so we can get things done."

"We'll behave, Mr Fleetwood," You say with your sweetest smile. Of course you both make faces and mock him when he turns around, but that's to be expected.

Lindsey sits slightly to your left while everyone is getting set up. He's sees your exposed shoulder and runs his fingers over the dimple from the polio shot you'd had as a child. You turn and glare at him and he just grins back at you. You smack his hand away once everyone is set up, and you start singing.

You do about five takes of the song before Lindsey calls for a break. He sits for a while with the other producers to mix the song together and make it sound just right, but you think your voice seems a little off.

You head upstairs to make some tea and relax your vocal chords. You lean against the counter when you hear footsteps heading up from the studio. Lindsey (of course) walks into the kitchen. "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you, of course. What are you doing here, my little tambourine girl?"

He moves closer and you try to move away but he reaches you too quickly and both his hands are on the counter beside you.

"My throat is a little sore; I thought this would help. You're in my bubble." You rest your hand on his chest as if you're going to push him away, but you just leave it there.

"Your throat is still sore? Ms Nicks, that blowjob was weeks ago," he smirks at you and you smack his chest.

"Oh please, your dick isn't that big, Buckingham."

"We can go upstairs and find out if you want."

"I don't. We have a rule." You remind him.

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