Then, Now, and Again - Again Part 4

875 36 4

Author: rulersmakebadlovers

Again: 2016

The four of you pile into the car and you drive to restaurant, which of course, endless jokes are made about your driving. You toss the keys to Mick, "you're driving home,"

"I don't know how to drive on this side of the road."

Chris flicks her cigarette out, "You live in Hawaii."

"Right then. Can't use that excuse."

You meet Lindsey at the door and you smile at him as he holds it open for you. He doesn't catch the smile; he's too busy looking at your breasts in that dress. You smirk to yourself and head inside to get the table. You all get seated and somehow you end up next to Lindsey. You don't have to try hard to know who's doing that was. You're quietly looking over the drink menu and wondering if you can order five at a time when you feel a hand on your thigh. You politely move it away as you tell the waiter you would like a margarita.

You sit back in your seat and Lindsey catches a glimpse of a bite mark he had left on your breast earlier. He covers his groan with a cough.

"You okay?" John asks.

Lindsey nods and you rub his back gently, "his water went down the wrong pipe."

Lindsey swallows when he finally stops coughing and leans over in the booth to whisper in your ear, "what the hell are you doing to me?"

You take a sip of your drink when it gets there and lick your lips before setting it down on the table, "what are you talking about?"

Lindsey gestures to you and takes a long pull of his beer before turning back to you, "that dress?"

"Linds, it's just a dress. What's wrong with it? I thought I looked nice."

"You do look nice. That's the problem. You said no sex but you come in here looking like this and I want to take you on this table." He takes your hand gently so you can feel his erection through his pants.You both squeeze gently before you move your hands away, "I don't even know where that came from! You didn't do anything."

"Lindsey, I'm sorry. I didn't do anything. I'm just sitting here," meanwhile your brain is going a mile a minute thinking "mine, mine, mine."

The waitress comes to take everyone's orders and when she walks away you lean over to Lindsey; resting your hand on his thigh. He squirms desperately to push it just a little higher and you giggle.

"I'll meet you in the restroom. Try not to be suspicious." You excuse yourself from the table and go wait on the fancy one person couch in the restroom and you briefly wonder how many people have fucked in here, but the thought actually disturbs you so you just wait for Lindsey.

He knocks on the door and walks into the bathroom. He looks around once you've locked the door, "Wow this is fancy."

You hike your dress up just enough to straddle him so you can unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants. You slide off, taking his pants with you.

"Where are you going?" He asks, watching you and running his fingers through I your hair.

"No sex, remember?" You smile up at him.

"I guess I better keep a spare toothbrush at your house then."

You giggle and run your tongue over the tip of his cock. He's already bucking his hips. This shouldn't take long at all.

You suck on the tip before slowly lowering your mouth down. When you come

back up, you let your tongue run up the underside of his cock and pay extra attention to the sensitive spot. When you glance up it him, the man is gripping a pillow from the bathroom couch to keep from being too noisy, but he's bucking his hips like crazy and you have to hold them down.

He moves that pillow away for just a second, "please. Please, Steph....I need you. I need to be inside of you."

"No. Sex," you say as you lower your mouth all the way down his cock again.

He's leaning his head back and grabbing gently at your hair and thrusting his hips over and over. Your tongue is moving as quickly as it can over the tip and he tugs a little harder, "baby, I'm going to."

You nod a little and with not very many clean up options you let he come in your mouth. You lick you lips and he groans, "that was so sexy."

You laugh a little, "you did it earlier today and I thought it was the hottest thing you've ever done." You rinse out your mouth and fix your hair and glance at him, "better?"

He thinks about it and shrugs, "It'll do for now."

"Forget it Buckingham, you're not getting me back into bed." You unlock the door and head back to the table first.

TBC.....this is the smuttiest smut I have ever written.

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