Chapter 13

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TK had thought that being forced to stay in bed most of the time until the twins were born would be something akin to torture. But the truth was that his body needed it. Nearing eight months pregnant, he slept well into the morning, because he struggled to find a good position at night.

During the night, the twins were more active and when Carlos had to work and couldn't be with him to calm them down, the kicking, punching and elbowing was constant. Until they calmed down, he couldn't sleep.

On those days when Carlos' shifts didn't allow him to be home with TK, the others took turns staying with him. They never left him alone, not after the contraction scare. Even Andrea slept with him when no one was available.

He spent most of the time tired, with swollen legs, his ankles turned into two heavy columns that were difficult to move. He had trouble breathing because the rest of his organs were pressing on his lungs, and at the last doctor's visit, they discovered that his blood pressure was rising dangerously high.

"I'm not going to say that you are suffering from preeclampsia, but you should make as much effort as possible to be restingand if you don't move on your own, even better.

He also lacked the desire to eat because no matter how much he tried to put something in his body, he would get terrible heartburn and usually throw it up with the hustle and bustle of the twins againsthis stomach. So sleeping and resting in bed was his best way to time pass.

"Do you think we should move up the delivery?" Carlos asked Tommy, one day when the captain was visiting.

"I'm no expert on this, really, but I'm starting to see TK having a hard time. He's having a hard time keeping going and I know he's going to do it until he can't anymore, but I don't want any more scares."

"That's a yes."

"That's you talking to your doctor and looking at the possibilities."

Carlos understood that yes, Tommy was recommending early labor, and scheduling a C-section, but he also knew what TK would say when faced with something like that. He knew his boyfriend too well, he knew he would fight to get them big enough to be out of any danger.

After his friend left, Carlos set about preparing something to eat, his father had given him a few recipes for bland food that might make TK feel good, but before he got anything out of the fridge, he heard him groan from the bed.

Any strange noise was starting to be a scare, the feeling that something was wrong or that they had reached the end. In this case, however, TK was trying to get up, but seemed more about to fall or roll off the bed to the floor than make it to his feet

Carlos moved to his side and wrapped his arms around his back, he had gotten used to massaging his kidneys whenever they were like this, he knew they were hurting him continuously and terribly.

"Where are you going, why didn't you call me?"

"Because I just needed to go to the bathroom, I thought I could do it alone, but it turns out I can't even pee alone right now."

"You're in the home stretch, mi amor. A month at the most...or we can schedule a c-section when the doctor thinks it's the right time and the twins will be out."

"No, they should come out when they're ready, I've read all about the possible complications they can have if they're taken out prematurely." He groaned and narrowed his eyes. "But now bathroom."

"Speaking of bath, do you feel like taking a bath, I'm sure that will relax you and I can give you an ankle massage."

TK suddenly protested as he felt a blow to his belly and then another... with the third, he felt his legs go limp and had Carlos not had a good grip on him, he would have ended up on the floor.

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