Shigaraki VS Kathleen Bate

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"I just received a message.  Star and her team are on their way back and should be arriving shortly.  As soon as we meet back up, we can make a plan to put those state-of-the-art weapons to some good use."  Nezu said as he and Best Jeanist drove to meet her.

"Thank goodness she's on our side, especially during these times.  It's just as comforting as having All Might back.  I've actually been meaning to ask her about the 'Vintage Denim' that was made during the Golden Rush Era."  Beast Jeanist conversed as he drove.

"Nezu!  Beast Jeanist!  Do you copy!?"  Tsukauchi called on the earpiece.

"We've just received word that something else has entered the Air space about 50km away from their landing spot!  It's him!"  Tsukauchi shouted, shocking the two.

"Izuku!?"  Beast Jeanist asked, shocked to hear that he snuck under their radar.

"No!  Tomura Shigaraki!"  Tsukauchi shouted, surprising them further.

"What is he doing here?"  Nezu questioned, already knowing the answer.

"Tomura Shigaraki."  Star said, looking at the man riding the Nomu.


"May the strongest hero win."  Shigaraki said, preparing to fight.

"All units, deploy forcefields and disengage Autopilot."  The Wing Commander ordered to the rest of them.

"Roger that Wing Commander Bravo."

"Requesting final confirmation.  Do we engage or do we retreat?"  The Wing Commander asked Star.

"I suggest that you surrender or retreat now.  We wouldn't want to cause any unnecessary damage or injuries."  Shigaraki said to them, getting a strange look from Star.

"We fight!"  Star called to them.

'He was actually being genuine.  Not wanting a fight.  And not out of a sense of self protection, but out of a sense of keeping others from harm.'  Star thought to herself, preparing to fight.

"Copy that.  Let's hope that we can finish him quickly so we can get back to base."  The Wing Leader said.

'Can't she see that this is pointless?  If she kills me or even tries to kill me, she would be breaking multiple laws outside of her jurisdiction.  He better let me keep her quirk after this.  And why did I feel strange calling myself Tomura Shigaraki?'  Shigaraki asked himself, putting his hand out in front of him.

(Quick reminders because it's been a hot minute, no one knows that Shigaraki has AFO)

'What is he doing?'  Star questioned, watching him raise his hand.

'Radio Waves, Push, Load Up.'  Shigaraki listed the quirks for his attack.

"What is this, a signal or some-"   One of the Pilots questioned, before being hit with the attack.

"What is this, a signal or some-"   One of the Pilots questioned, before being hit with the attack

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