chapter 1

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Cat woke up with the sun shining through the window on his face. He sighed today was the day that he went back to school and he hated was Monday cat hated Mondays.

He got up anyways, he went to the bathroom took a shower, brushed his teeth, and fixed his hair. He walked down stairs and was greeted by his mom whom had a cheerful smile on her face.

"Good morning baby", Emily said in an energetic tone. Cat smiled and nodded. His mom understood he didn't feel like talking and he meant "good morning"

"Awww don't feel like talking hun?", Emily asked. Cat shaked his head "no"

"Oh hunny I know you hate Mondays", she said ruffling his hair. Cat smiled and Emily handed him his breakfast. He ate and kissed his mom on the cheek before leaving the house for school.

He rode his bike to school and when he got there he left it on the side of the building. He ran into the school and into his class.

The teacher wasn't there yet so he just sat at his desk, he pulled out a book and read until the teacher arrived.

The teacher came in the class with a girl with dark black hair. "Hello everyone sorry I'm late anyways this is your new classmate say hello everyone", the teacher said smiling.

Everyone said hello to the girl. She looked up and cat saw her face for the first time and he was momentarily stunned.

The girl spoke, "hi my name is Marinette dupain Cheng and I'm 17 years old and I'm a writer. Yes I write stories for a living I also sing I'm athletic and I'm flexible. I hope all of us can be friends in the future", Marinette said with a smile.

Everyone cheered and the guys started whispering about how sexy she was. Marinette smiled at everyone until her eyes landed on cat.

Her and catnoir's eyes both lock with eachother. Marinette smiled at him while he stood there just staring.

He was stunned at her fascinating beauty and all the other guys couldn't help but fawn over her. He didn't blame them boy was she sexy. And cat thought so too.

He couldn't take his eyes off of her and then the teacher then said,"ok you can sit beside catnoir", she said pointing to him.

Marinette smiled and nodded she walked to the seat beside cat and sat there. The teacher started the lesson and cat couldn't focus because of the beautiful girl sitting beside him.

"Oh shoot!! I forgot my pen", Marinette exclaimed while searching her bag frantically. Cat took an extra pen from his bag and gave it to her.

She took it from him and said while smiling, "uhh thank you", cat smiled. And they both looked to the front to pay attention to the teacher teaching.

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