Who Killed Sarah Tucker?

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Precious Life Insurance. One of the top 10 companies in the Big Metro City that offered all sorts of financial protection to their clients, from automobile accidents, health and medical, long-term disability support, especially protecting the value of a human life. The type of company who show off their many award winning crystal trophies and certificates shielded by golden frames. Whether it be the front counter, the walls in the hallway, even on top of their filing cabinets, their merits could be seen everywhere and dated back to 10 or so years.

Sergeant Leo and Constable McLamb approached a single door out of 1092 offices. Once they saw the name on the plaque, they didn't hesitate with a knock – they opened it right up.

"You must be the officers my secretary buzzed me about. Don't bother sitting down, I was about to leave."

Felicia Harvey stood behind her desk, cleaning it up. She had one hand on the edge as if to balance her thin body. A series of bandage were wrapped tied around her head, over the forehead and the back; some faint pink residue seeping through the wrapping. One side of her cheek was covered in a palm-size medical patch with hospital tape stuck to her face. It made the officers think she had a tooth ache. The minor stitches across her one eye lid reminded them otherwise.

"As you can see officers, I am--" Felicia tossed some of her photos, personal awards, and a collection of fine ink pens into a cheap cardboard box. "—quite busy. All thanks, to that viral video."

McLamb cleared his throat stepped up, "Where were you last night between 2:00 AM to 3:00 PM?"

Felicia glanced up at the detectives, lips mulling. She took a moment to grab some binders from a shelf, unlocked the rings, and just dump out the tons of paper from them. They either rained out or tore through the three holes. When each binder were cleared of anything, she clapped them shut and tossed them into the cardboard with a rattle. She continued to dump more paper onto the floor, walking over them as if snow.

The constables watched as she took a moment to pluck a bottle from her bag, a sort of hand cream-based lotion with some sanitation alcohol formula. She squirted some paste into her palm and rubbed it over her fingers and massaged it across her wrists. "What is this about?"

McLamb took a short breath to speak again. "Please answer the question."

"Officers. I am willing to cooperate, if I know the context of the question. You either tell me now, or you're going to have to wait for my lawyer to act as my medium."

Leo resisted the urge to rub his face, so he placed his hands on his hips. "Sarah Tucker was killed--"

Felicia laughed. "Isn't that already over the news?"

"Just last night, between 2 to 3 AM."

The insurance agent raised an eyebrow. She tilted her body on one foot, a short chuckle. "So. You're saying, this whole time, she was never dead."

McLamb was about to answer, but Leo put a hand on his shoulder. Getting the memo, the rookie followed in Leo's silence.

Felicia stared at them, before she turn to her office window. The world, she had a great view of the Big Metro City. High rise buildings made of steel with glass for skin, veins and arteries of bustling streets, the many attractions of national and amusement parks left and right, monuments of patriotism and history. The insurance agent bit a canine tooth into her lip, piercing through her rich lipstick. "Sarah Tucker. Alive the whole time...that bi--"

She stomped at the office glass, leaving a crack with the heel of her stiletto. When she turned around, Leo and McLamb had their hands on their holsters. She rolled her eyes and waved them off. Ignoring them she pulled out a plastic bottle, removed the cap, and popped some pills. Without water, she made a hard gulp. Eyes clenched in pain, a small hiss, before she relaxed. "2 to 3 AM, I was still in the hospital, ICU for hitting my head. I just got discharged this morning. Came to the office to report for work but..." One lazy hand to her cardboard box.

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