Truth at Metro General Hospital - Part (2/3)

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" all started several weeks ago." Frank Tucker was curled up in the corner of his room on the floor. He hugged his knees, tears streaming his face as he choked on his words. "I went to pick up my wife, like any other night. We any other night."

Jackson and Jenny sat on the floor with him, surrounding him. At the same time they moved away anything that could be used as a weapon or means for suicide. They even added extra guards at the doorway with a medical team on standby. Jackson pulled off his fedora, plopping it in his crossed legs. "What exactly did you two argue about?"

Frank Tucker rubbed the tears and snot from his face with a palm, "We agreed to break off our affairs. Her with her doctor and me with Felicia. But because my business hasn't been doing well, I didn't have time to be serious with Felicia and call it off." The husband made a chortled snort, eyes reddening as his throat clenched to choke aside his crying. "My wife thought I was still seeing my mistress. I kept telling her no, I just didn't have the opportunity or mental energy. Our tempers flared up, she started hitting me. I...I wasn't paying attention to the road, she pushed my arm then..." The husband hid his face behind his palms. "I killed her. That other woman."

Jenny flinched. "The original corpse?"

"I didn't know her, I swear! Purely accidental! I wasn't paying attention to the road, it was dark, she came out of no where then..." Frank Tucker slapped a fist into his palm, tearing up more. "Sarah w-was a nurse, right? So-so immediately she went to help the woman, wh-while I was trying to look for my phone!"

"Why didn't you call the police at the time?" Jackson asked.

"Th-that's the thing, officers! Wh-when my wife said we couldn't save the girl, she was already dead, I TRIED to call the police – S-Sarah wouldn't let me!"

Jenny's eyebrow furrowed. "...Sarah Tucker told you not to call the police?"

"Yes!" Frank Tucker nodded, eyes wide. "I-I w-was shocked myself. Sarah told me don't call anyone. She was worried this would cause problems for me, she didn't want the police to think I-I murdered her in cold blood or a rapist, whatever. I-I was lost myself th-then...she told me to help her toss the body off the side of the road."

The constables stared.

"I-I'm serious! Believe me! S-Sarah said there was nothing we could do, so we tossed the woman's body in a ditch. Sh-she even took the woman's bag, but I couldn't ask my questions at the time as we quickly drove away." Frank Tucker dropped his hands across his knees, exhausted. "I found a place to hide the car, to-to clean off all the blood. I tried to convince her, to let me call the police or we're both in trouble. D-do you know what she told me?"

"What?" Jenny asked. She then remembered to make notes and she whipped out her tablet, typing everything down. "What happened?"

Frank Tucker took in a deep breath, staring at Jenny as if she a ghost. "Sarah started mumbling to herself. Said the girl had the same blood type as herself, O negative. Sarah saw the woman's medical ID from the bag she brought. Even mentioned the woman had the same build, height, and hair. Then she told me something I'll never forget..." The husband rubbed his hands through his hair, staring at the floor of his hospital cell.

"Sarah said: 'If I died, wouldn't it solve all of our problems?'"

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