Precinct 23 - Part (2/2)

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CID Team B had a conference room with a long oval table surrounding by office chairs with stiff padding. One of the walls was made of all glass, the smooth texture of a smartphone screen. One touch and the glass-wall would light up with an animated police logo and then open a new presentation file, splashing out digital photos of the crime scene at Adam's Pulp Factory.

Inspector May would quietly shake her head to flick her hair over her shoulder. A light tug to straighten the creases out of her suit pants and she leaned against the computer table with a remote in her hand.

CID Team B consisted of the following: Sergeant Leo with his arms folded and a frown; Constable McLamb guzzling water; Constable Jenny taking notes on her police tablet and smartphone; Constable Jackson as he flipped his fedora in a spin.

"Another dismembered victim; the Splitter Strikes again," The Inspector tossed aside her tablet showing her various social media images on the screen, "The news about the body is already spreading across Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, even TikTok of all places. A woman cut up into 7 pieces is definitely catching everyone's attention."

Inspector May groaned and swept a hand through her hair to brush off the frustration, "The public thinks this is another victim of that serial killer who has been on a rage the last year. This could be his fifth victim. Modus operandi are similar. I want to know for sure if this is the Splitter's doing, before I pass this case to Precinct 18 who are hunting him down as we speak. So stay sharp and report to me of any new findings, is that clear?"

Team B would respond in unison, "Yes, Madam."

Inspector May nodded touched her hand on a blank spot on the glass wall. The display pushed some pictures to the side and opened a scanned document.

"Woman, 30-35 years age. Coroner found some old bruises across her leg, a partial bruise across the lower end back side of her torso and several muscle laceration. The victim might have been beaten to death before being dismembered." Inspector May would circle her finger across the bottom of the torso, the screen drawing a red digital circle tracing her finger tip, "What is wrong with this picture?"

Constable Jenny perked her head up from mid note taking, tug back the sleeves of her jean jacket, and raise her hand to speak, "We still haven't found the victim's pelvic area. Without it we can't backtrack any gynecological records she may have."

"The, cough, sorry," McLamb looked at half the smart wall and half the table as he gave his report, "Head and fingers still missing. Cough. No way to identify the victim, by facial recognition or, cough, fingermarks."

"It's clear the killer doesn't want the police to identify this woman," Leo tapped his fingers in his folded arms, "If that was the case, burning the body into unrecognizable ashes would have saved more time and energy."

"Which suggests," said the Inspector, "there is an ulterior motive other than senseless artistic killing. The Splitter cuts up the bodies and would scatter each individual limbs in different locations in order to prevent the police from finding every part conveniently." Inspector May then taps at several pictures of the limbs, "For some reason, we found majority of the body parts within the same area. In one sitting we got 70% of the victim. Could be a copy cat who didn't do his research, or this is the Splitter on a rush job. Constable Jackson, your thoughts."


"...Constable Jackson!"

"Yo!" Jackson bolted in his seat and flip his phone face down to hide the Vtuber he was watching. With a loud clear of his throat, he pulled up his tablet and fix his hat to stall the intensity of the Inspector's glare, "Forensic checked the body and the limbs. Each of them have matching DNA, so it's for sure it's one and the same person. Aaaand...uuh.." Jackson would quickly slide his fingers across the screen, trying to find his next train of thought. It didn't help with Inspector May was tapping her shoe, "Ah here it is! Two, three cuts, Precision! Totally not an amateur! The killer knows his guts, I mean cuts!"

"...Passing mark." Inspector May grumbled, turning her head away to ignore Jackson smiling like a student being praised, "Specifications of the victim are the following." The Inspector turn to the screen and tapped her finger on it twice. The smart wall would zoom in on a file and she would draw red circles on several numbers. "Height: 160 cm. Weight: 55 pounds. Discernible markings: the clover birthmark on the back of her top left shoulder the side of a palm, and the surgical marking – which the coroner confirms treatment for Deep Vein Thrombosis."

The detectives would take notes, by hand, phone, or by memory. As they record the information, the Inspector provided one last detail to the investigation.

"The body was chopped up and stored into separate bags. The Adam's Pulp Factory is in a secluded sector of the city, however it's still close to the main highway and joggers have been known to pass by." The Inspector knocked her knuckles across the wall screen, leaving trails of red digital dots across the board, "The Stalker prefer more secluded locations, meaning Adam's Pulp Factory with drivers, pedestrians, factory employee, and the local homeless would not be ideal. We need answers and we need them fast. It is only a matter of time before we have YouTubers and TikTokers venture out investigating on their own, spinning their own theories and removing evidence to get more views. Now, roll out before they become a viral sensation."

Team B nodded, "Yes Madam."

"Pete Sake. Have more energy like Jenny!"


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