Adam's Pulp Factory - Part (2/3)

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 "Uuuuurrrhk! Aaaaaugh!"

Constable McLamb doubled over a rusted railing at the side of the crime scene. To try and save some face, he would hide his face and vomit within a wall of grass, hoping to have the dirt and weeds hide his embarrassment. Unfortunately several other officers would walk by, covering their mouth to hide their smirks more than out of disgust.

"...No more, uurk, microwave burritos for eeuurk...breakfast."

A hand reached out next to him, holding a folded tissue. McLamb took it and wiped his mouth, and using the cleaner sides to dab the sweat from his face

"Hey thanks I...Who are you?" McLamb turned to see a stranger who had his arms folded and a frown on his face. He noticed the police badge on his chest and looked around, "Which department are you from?"

"Precinct 23, Team B. Name's Jacob Leo. You're sergeant."


Leo covered his face, not wanting to accept the reality he was given. He ignored the Constable's sick noises and focused on hiding his face from his colleagues who all snicker at him and the new guy.

"When you're done flipping your stomach inside out, you'll be flying with me," Leo mumbled from under his hand, "Quit throwing up already, you're making me look bad!"

McLamb would spit out the rest of his breakfast, before grabbing a bottle of water nearby to wash his mouth. After a few deep breath and a chant to psyche himself, he stood back up to return a weak salute.

"I won't let you down si—hnngfguu...cough."

"You already did, come on. The coroner is waiting."

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