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01.03 Origins


DROOL LINES THE EATON'S CHEEK AS SHE RISES UP WITH A SCOWL. Seeing the snow covered ground, confusion fills her until she glances around, noting she's behind everyone–bile rises in her throat at her spinning sight–including Rachel. She moves to wipe her cheek, also noting her hands zip-tied together behind her back with white mittens that look like boxing gloves. The redheaded girl saying; "Is too. I saw it first. I win again."

The boy calls; "Dad!"

"Come on now, no one likes a poor winner."

The teen attempts to retort something sarcastic when Rachel groans; "What is this freak show?"

"Manners, dear." The woman snaps as the Eaton smirks. "Oh, other guest is finally awake. How's your head?"

"About as good as you're hospitality." She grumbles.

The woman ignores her, addressing her family; "Now, who needs to go before we hit the highway?"

The two kids raise their hand as does the man. "Freaks." The teen curses, her shoulder popping as he purposefully hits the breaks, smacking her face on the back of the seat. "Fuckin' bitch ass."

The man pulls into a gas station, yanking her from the trunk and Rachel from the back seat. They enter together, locking the door as the purple-haired girl attempts to open the window, the man calling; "Hurry up, Rachel and Ace . We haven't got all day. Ace?" He knocks. "Rachel?"

"I'm coming!" Rachel yells as Azrael presses her back to the door incase he tries to force himself inside.

"Come on now, Azrael. There're people waiting on you!"

"I, uh, I got my period!" Azrael calls to him, Rachel looking at her in question and she shrugs in question. "Really bloody and gross. A-And hormones! Lots of hormones! I'm feeling emotion and wanna cry. Yeah, so you should just, leave! It's gonna be a minute!"

Rachel helps Azrael to step the restraint to the front side, trying to snap them off as he knocks again. The seventeen-year-old moves as the man mumbles; "Oh, gosh. Who are you?"

The bricks turn red with a dry heat, Azrael shoves Rachel away as she holds her hand out, the fire and bricks that blast at them is blocked as she pushes against it. When it dies, she drops her hand, a woman in a fur coat and a purple dress with magenta hair steps inside. "Do you know who I am? Girls, who am I?"

Sharing a look with her older friend who shrugs in pure confusion, the Roth informs; "We don't know."

"Come on. I have a feeling you'll do better with me than with them."

STREGA | GARFIELD LOGAN |DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now