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TW: implied abuse.

while bruce was staring blankly at the wall in front of him, he noticed the door unlocking and the grabber sitting down on the ground, just staring at the sleeping boys.

bruce pretending to be asleep, he even tried falling asleep, but with him being so stressed and worried about everything, he couldn't calm him mind. it's not like he could run off to the bathroom and sh with the grabber watching.

why was he even watching? it was really creepy.

hours passed and bruce still couldn't manage to fall asleep. he did start to get tired, yet vance stood up, saw the grabber and started yelling, so bruce was startled and wide awake once again.

"what the fuck are you doing? you better get your ass out of here before i beat your ass so bad you fall off the surface of this planet," vance yelled as he stood up.

"i just wanted to look," the grabber whispered. "your about to look at the stairway to hell if you don't back the fuck up!" vance threatened, putting up his arms, preparing for a fight.

"shut up before i gut you like a pig right here," the grabber threatened, pulling out a knife. "try me, bitch!" vance pushed him. "vance!" bruce quickly yelled. vance hushed him. the grabber quickly left, leaving the door unlocked.

"ha, scared that motherfucker! oh wait. i should've like killed him. uh oh," vance's proud smile quickly turned into a frown. "vance? stop being dumb, do you not realize the door is literally unlocked?" bruce walked up to the door and slowly pulled it open, making sure the grabber wasn't there. there was stairs instead.

"oh, my bad, alrighty, me first," vance said as he pushed pass bruce. "wait! you shouldn't go first, if he comes out and surprise attacks you, you won't be able to fight him off and i can't fight for shit so just wait here," bruce told him.

"wait for my call- or scream maybe," bruce shrugged. "not funny," vance crossed his arms,  walking up a few steps before he stopped.

bruce slowly crept up the stairs. he took ahold of the handle, taking a deep breath before turning it and walking out. bruce looked left and right, took a step forward, then looked straight. well, shit.

the grabber was sitting on a chair, holding his belt. bruce turned around, trying to run back down the stairs.

"i...! don't wanna know your namee, cause you don't look the same!" vance sung under his breath, tapping his finger on his arm to the beat. vance looked up suddenly as he heard bruce yelling.

he tried climbing down the stairs but he was pulled back by the grabber. vance quickly sprinted up the stairs, stopping in his tracks as he saw the grabber pulling bruce's head back and holding a knife to his throat.

"i can't just do both of you at once, now can i? if you even try coming up and stopping me, i will slit his throat and make you watch as he bleeds out."

"let go of him," is all vance said, trying to walk closer. "you get any fucking closer, he is dead" the grabber threatened. vance quickly stopped moving.

"please, let him go back in the basement. you can hurt me, or do whatever to me. i don't care, just let him go," vance pleaded.

"which is. you or him?" the grabber asked, looking down at bruce. "me!" bruce shouted without hesitation. "bruce!" vance called out. "just remember what i said earlier. i'll be fine."

"get back in the basement, now," the grabber growled, pressing the blade harder into bruce's neck. vance reluctantly walked back down into the basement. he slid down the wall, stuffing his head between his knees.

"shit, shit, shit!" vance yelled, gripping his hair and tugging it. vance threw his head against the wall as he started to hear bruce crying out in pain.

vance wanted to run up there and beat the life out of the grabber, but he couldn't risk him killing bruce.

vance started ripping out his hair again, cursing to himself. he just left bruce. what was he supposed to do anyways? run up there and have the grabber slit bruce's throat right in front of him? absolutely not.

"please! stop!" vance heard bruce yelling from upstairs. from bruce's continuous cries, vance figured the grabber just ignored him.

"stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid," vance repeated every time he hit his head against his knees. vance plugged his ears, trying to drown out the noise, but it was practically impossible.

after what seemed like hours to the two boys, which was really fifteen minutes, the grabber came into the basement and tossed bruce on the bed. vance thought he would be coming for him next, but the grabber just left, that time locking the door. vance walked over to bruce, kneeling down next to him.

bruce was covered with bruises and was bleeding from multiple places. vance frowned at the sight. "oh, bruce.." he whispered under his breath.

"seven-teen... wrangler- drive," bruce managed to say. "oh jesus christ bruce! scared me. wait- what is that?" vance said.

"my address. billy.. lives to the left," bruce told him, attempting to sit up and rest his body against the wall. "you didn't have to tell me that. you could've taken me yourself," vance half smiled.

"eh, i don't think my ashes will be much help," bruce chuckled softly at his joke. "don't say that," vance shook his head. bruce shrugged.

"i'm so sorry," vance expressed. "it's okay, i'd rather me get hurt than you. i'm fine," bruce kept his smile. he knew he was 110% not okay. every inch of his body held an indescribable pain.

"fine? i just heard you getting beat for ten minutes, you are definitely not okay. lay down and get some rest," vance helped bruce to lay down.

"what's today?" bruce asked. "fuck if i know. tuesday?" vance shrugged, rolling his eyes. "two," bruce nodded his head before shutting his eyes. "two what?" vance asked, frowning.

"two what?!" vance repeated. bruce had shut his eyes and pretended to sleep. he wasn't able to sleep with all his worrying, now he definitely wasn't able to sleep with all the pain.

vance sighed and dropped onto the ground, hitting his head against the wall once more. he still hated himself for just leaving bruce. he always would.

well that just happened. yikes!!

fun and epic and very necessary story time!!!
me and my cousin were playing roblox and she said if you sit on the bear you get an std so i sat on the bear and started jumping on this one girl and told her she has an std now, and she replied with '?' so i told her to search it up and she did and was like 'what do i do??' so i told her to tell her mom and she did 😭😭 im so getting banned tmrw.

(1174 words.)

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