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"well hello there," bruce said. vance didn't respond, he just rolled over in the bed and groaned out in annoyance. "you alright?" bruce frowned, sitting next to him.

"just got fucking kidnapped. but yeah, no, i'm just fantastic," vance said sarcastically. "right."

"did you forget about that or some shit?" vance asked, finally sitting up. "no, i was just- i don't know," bruce mumbled. he sat up, deciding it would be good to look around and see if there was anything he could use to escape.

he had already noticed the window, he was just too short to reach. bruce wandered off into the next room, seeing there was just a toilet and a few carpets stacked next to it. bruce then went back to the main room, seeing vance angrily sitting on the bed with his arms crossed.

"we can't get out here if you just sit there," bruce informed him. "jee, really?" vance glared at him. "i was fucking jacked up on drugs and hit with a van, i could use a moment to process things."

bruce knew then that staying in that basement with vance would be just as much torture as being alone. bruce continued looking around the room and trying to open the door.

vance eventually sighed loudly and stood up. he began lightly banging on the walls, stopping at a certain spot. "what're you doing?" bruce asked as he watched vance continue tapping on a certain spot with his ear against the wall.

"i think there's another room," vance said, pulling away from the wall. "how can you tell?" bruce asked, walking up to him. "sounds different from everywhere else. here," vance banged on a different wall, then the one he was talking about.

"i seriously don't hear a difference," bruce admitted. "whatever. i do, so," vance didn't finish his sentence, instead he just shrugged. the two quickly looked towards the door as they heard it unlock.

"you mother fucking bitch, i'm going to fucking kill you!" vance yelled as he ran up to him. the man pulled out a needle. "come any closer i'm drugging you again," he threatened.

vance quickly stopped, raising up his hands. he noticed he was in reach of the needle, so he quickly slapped it out of the grabber's hand and kicked him in a place where the sun don't shine.

he knelt down in pain, screaming. bruce quickly ran over to the needle and stuffed it in his pocket. everything in it had already been shot out when it hit the floor.

vance got in a few more punches before the grabber hit him in the head and vance stumbled backwards, clutching his forehead. the grabber left, being sure to shut and lock the door.

bruce quickly knelt beside him. "jeez, you good?" bruce asked, using his hand to tilt vance's head up to inspect his face. vance quickly pushed his hand away.

"i'm fine," vance grumbled and walked away. "okay. it's just that seemed pretty p-"

"stop talking," vance hushed him. bruce frowned yet continued following him around. he only wanted to be nice to vance since they would be stuck together.

vance sat down on the bed again, resting his head in his hands. he needed to think how they would escape. there has to be a way.

vance then heard the toilet flush. then again. vance lifted his head up, hearing it flush a few more times.

vance angrily stood up, getting annoyed. he walked into the 'bathroom', seeing bruce continuously flushing the toilet. "what the fuck are you doing?" vance asked him. "flushing the toilet," bruce said, doing it again.

"the fuck is that gonna do?" vance asked him. "i don't know, make his water bill higher," bruce shrugged, sounding confused from himself. "yet again i ask, the fuck is that gonna do?" vance furrowed his eyebrows.

"make him go broke," bruce said, flushing it again. vance rolled his eyes and left, deciding to let bruce do whatever the fuck he wanted.

bruce walked into the room just a moment later and sat in front of him. "do you think we'll get out of here?" bruce asked.

"me? probably. you? who knows," vance said truthfully. "what do you mean by that?" bruce asked, sounding offended.

"well, considering the fact you were just flushing the toilet a hundred times, i'm assuming you're not that intelligent."

"for your information, i get straight A's in school," bruce bragged. "school smart, yes. just not life smart," vance rolled his eyes. "you are a total bitch, can't believe i'm stuck with you," bruce said jokingly.

"not too happy about this myself either. i would rather be at home right now getting- uh, getting sleep," vance said awkwardly. he almost just said he would rather be getting beat than in this situation. bruce didn't need to know any of that.

"me too. i still haven't told my sister about my win," bruce frowned. "why not?" vance looked up and him. bruce paused for a moment. he still hadn't accepted the truth. "she's... she's not home," bruce frowned. "well, you still told her about all your other wins? it's just one you missed," vance tried comforting him. he wasn't sure why bruce cared so much about it.

bruce shook his head. "no," he whispered. "i'm confused," vance admitted with a straight face. bruce sat up and walked to the opposite side of the room, resting against the wall.

"do you have any siblings?" bruce asked after a moment of silence. "nope," vance sighed. bruce nodded even though vance couldn't see him.

the door was thrown open again, and this time the grabber was holding two trays, each filled with a plate of eggs and a sprite. he placed them on the ground before leaving again. vance picked them both up and sat next to bruce, placing one in front of him.

bruce stared down at the overcooked eggs and the flat sprite. he already had a big breakfast and lunch.

"you take it," bruce told vance, pushing it towards him. "what? no, it's yours, eat it," vance told him, taking a sip of the sprite. "if we have any chance of getting out of here, you're going to need to be strong. you won't be very strong surviving off one plate of eggs and a sprite," bruce reasoned.

"and? who knows when we're getting fed again, just eat it," vance pushed the tray back at bruce. "exactly. you'll get weaker. i'm already no use to everything, it'll make no difference on me," bruce pushed the tray back towards him again.

bruce stood up and walked to the 'bathroom'. "are you sure?" vance shouted out to him. "yes, i am sure," bruce shouted back. vance felt very bad taking his only food, but bruce seemed persistent. so vance did, leaving him half his sprite.

damn vance fr just did that 🤨 poor brucester.
anywho this is my third update today, damn 🙀

(1161 words.)

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