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"are you crazy?! you know that im pregnant right now and my mate will be frantic and murderous if i am to disappear. i really hope you have nine lives 'cause youll gonna need them all, asshole." now my anxiety's spiking and im on the verge of panic right now. i dont know how nats sleeping through all these yelling but i dont care. my instincts going haywire and this kidnapping is not helping one bit. i could only hope those shadows been following this vehicle and were not in danger at all. i could only hope...



after a few minutes of silence, nat woke up startled. "w-where are we? rin are you, okay?"

"better ask that to yourself. i dont know why nat but youve been dozing off unaware these past few days, im suspecting youre having lowblood pressure or something."

"thats what i want to know myself. i intend to have myself checked up and my mate is already worried that im like this."

"but... you know... your scents been kinda off lately. if im suspecting right, my little one will have someone to play with in the coming years." i said that to make light conversation and at the same time throwing glances at our driver which i hate to admit, is my brother. im trying my best to calm down and nat being maybe-pregnant only adds to my concern.

"you think so?"

"maybe... well see. anyway," i tried to catch nats eyes and pointed to our driver which he caught on automatically. "have you ever tried to play with death nat?" luckily im sitting directly at the back of our driver. im hoping that well survive after what im about to do and this bulging stomach is not helpful one bit.

should i risk it?

and nat?

my kid?

im still processing things on my mind when the car suddenly stopped. this is nowhere near my old place nor the city from where were from. all i ever could decipher from the dark ambiance outside was an old church. now im praying the shadows are on our tails. based from what i had endured all my life before, this is going to be bloody.

"get off! NOW!"

"geez, were not deaf, stupid!" as soon as i reached for the knob to get out, the ring on my hand glowed subtly. if i remember correctly how cautious my mate is, i wont be surprised if he made me wear something with a tracer without me knowing it. on the downside, i rotated my ring to cover up its glow. i saw nat eyeing the same on his necklace given by yi and hid it inside his shirt.

"well be okay." nat mouthed on me as i nodded in reply.

"lets go." i pulled the knob open and dissembarked from the car.

the crunch from the gravel beneath our feet was quieted by sudden shrieks inside the church. shrieks that im so familiar with. my bones and even the faded gashes and scars all tingled as i relieved all the pain that my donors gifted me. im not a coward to succumb to the fear for my life but this child within my body, im worried the most. nat could take care of himself being trained and all but on the other hand, i could fight, yes, but now at my condition, the weight and all, i couldnt even lift myself without risking my kid.

"i bet theyre combing the plane now for you. dont worry." nat whispered on me as he shielded me with his body.

"i know but the thing is, i know how hollowed their stomach is when it comes to saving themselves from heavens punishment. im just hoping well survive this without very much as a scratch on both of us." i dont want to sound disheartened but im just saying what ifs and when it comes to those people, its not meaningless.

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