20. COLD

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"you ready?" ayberk approached me by the mirror as i checked myself out.

i looked like a whale. thats all i could say. im huge!

"dont you think im hideous?" i finally said as i berrated myself out of pure disgust. i know if my donors could see me right now, i swear theyll bind my hands and legs and whipped me till i bleed, until my child is no more. damn! too much horror movies for me doesnt do me good these days.

"what are you talking about?" he turned me to himself and checked me out himself. were wearing all white as per instruction to let us all stand out in the sea of black later. papa ethan will be the only one in red and the dads will be in deep royal blue just to signify the hierarchy.

"its just... well... im too conscious of my appearance now that my stomach portruded like this. doesnt this look disgusting? a male with a huge belly." i scoffed.

"not one bit, dear. to me you look divine. even with your precious belly with my pup in it, you look scrumptious. i swear if were not having this party, ill have you right here right now till daybreak tomorrow." ayberk cupped my face and peppered me with featherlight kisses. as much as it annoys me, i like this. this attention that only i could ever experience with him. i grabbed his hand and kissed his palm.

"thank you, my berk. you dont know how much you mean to me... to us." i looked up at him and smiled. i dont want to cry at this moment. my make up will all be ruined and i wont hear the end of it from the team that ayberk personally head hunted and hired to pamper me all day.

"dont leave my side later, okay? tell me if you ever feel uncomfortable. youre my first priority and my family understands that if something might happen."

"okay. lets go." i tucked my hand on the crook of his elbow anchoring my wobbly self to him. i guess its time to face them cold red eyes.



"All areas secured, my lord." i heard my head of security from my earpiece report from the hotel where we will do the announcement party of my mate. i wont take any chances if it meant my mate will be protected more than any royalty in this world. i had all exits covered. all personnel had been background checked. guests are all patted down to a tee before entering the hall itself. once inside, nobody will be allowed out without prior notice to any of us in the family. any uninvited guests who managed to sneak in, be it human or not, will be settled in in their future home in the core, my familys playground. dont say its too cruel on our part. were just... cautious.

i gazed upon the beauty beside me and i was all mesmerized due to the lights passing us by

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i gazed upon the beauty beside me and i was all mesmerized due to the lights passing us by. he was like an angel given to this demon to appease his inner battle. i was ever ill tempered and aloof to whoever, even to my family. as much as possible i dont want emotions rule over my psyche and take the risk of being vulnerable in front of others. hence, my familys concern over me to whoever my mate will be. they dont know the me when it comes to my mate. im sure ill be a laughing stock if they knew. be that as it may, i dont care. all i care about is the smile thats beaming in front of me right here, right now. that someone whom my heart now rests in his dainty strong hands. my precious mate who carries my future with him.

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