And the fans roar

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As we enter the capital, my tears dry up. A sudden jolt fills us as we come to a complete stop, and the door opens. We are instructed to walk out in groups, one by one with our district. I am the last to go, so I see the others walk off. District one and two waving to the tributes, gaining the most roses. Three walking off, staring at the back of the heads of Distrcit two. My district is called and my brother picks me up. Afterall, I'm only 12. We began to walk towards the exit but I stop him, instructing him to put me down. I must be strong Sarah. I must be strong. We walk towards the multi-colored people who are waving, cheering, and throwing flowers at us. I do nothing but focus towards the gate that will lead us away from this chaos. My name begins to roar through a portion of the crowd and I smile. I'm weak.

When we enter our seperate dorms, our escorts come to greet us and congratulate us again, showing us where everthing is and touring us around our dorms. Afterwards, we eat the biggest feast I've eaten in my life.. Perhaps combined. We talk about the other tributes, and who is allying with who although we don't reveal who we are with ourselves.. At least not yet. My brother gets up and I follow. Although I have my own bed, I sleep with him.. These might be the last few nights of my life.

After we awake, we are instructed to go to the training center where we will prepare for the Games for the next three days. Afterwards, our mentors get to personally train us and then we get to be evaluated by the Capitol. Oh, the joy. We are late and arrive last. The head instructor narrows her eyes as she spits towards us. "Disgusting.. Usually the richer districts are earlier.. I assume that doesn't apply to you. Get to work." We do promptly as others laugh and snicker at us. I do my best not to break down and am barely successful although inside I want to explode. Poof into thin air and never be seen again. But that won't happen.. I will die, just a horrible and unbeatable death. Maybe a knife slowly digging through me.. Maybe a spear penetrating my skin, or maybe a starved person who's last resort is human flesh.. I try to avoid these thoughts altogether, but it can be hard when you see Lea's throwing knives slice through the fake plastic bodies and Gabriels spear go through two dummies. Even though we have intimidating tributes, at least Jeremy will be an easy target! I think to myself, smiling for once.

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