Chapter 3

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The Next day....

"Bonnie! Breakfast is ready!". Yelled her mom. Bonnie slowly woke up from her nap, rubbing her eyes together before blinking twice to fully wake up. "Coming mom!". She yelled back getting off the bed while putting on her slippers and off she went outside of her room and towards the kitchen. "Psst, hey everyone. It's time to get up". Said Dolly.

Everyone woke up feeling a little drowsy from yesterday's road trip. *yawn* "morning's y'all slept?". Asked Jesse. "Eh, alright I guess. Though, could have been better if Rex would have scootched over more from my personal space". Said Hamm. "Oh sorry about that Hamm. I'll try and give you space next time". Said Rex chuckling nervously.

"It's alright pal. No need to apologize". He said. "All right everyone, let's wait a little bit until Bonnie is finished with her breakfast so we can play with her until she needs to go to school". Said Dolly. "Yeah, let's just wait everyone. In the meantime, just lay low for now". Said Jesse. "Hey Jesse, are you going to take care of Bonnie at school?". Said Forky.

"Of course Forky, I promise to let her have a good time there. I'll let you guys know all about what she is doing, okay?". She said. Forky nodded in agreement while smiling at her. A few minutes have passed and Bonnie has finished with her breakfast, entering her room in excitement now opening the closet door to see all of her toys in there. "Rise and shine everyone! It's time for an awesome adventure with me today!". She laughed while grabbing all her toys outside and on to the floor.

"Hey there sheriff, let's go get some bad guys to catch why don't we. And before that, I think it's best if we can get your other partner to join. Just let me go get him for a moment". She said dropping Jesse down going to her closet trying to find Woody. "Hmm? Where is he?, did I lost him or something? Maybe he's around here somewhere". She said looking up and down all around her room to find Woody.

She looked everywhere but to no avail, Woody was no where to be on sight. "Oh no, I think I did lost him. Maybe mom might have seen him somewhere, I'll go tell her and probably dad too. I'll be right back toys, don't go anywhere". She said running out of her room. All of the toys started to get up from the floor, and Jesse eyes widen in shock trembling her hands of hearing and seeing Bonnie trying to find Woody, which made her heart drop down to the core.

" guys...she's trying to find Woody. And, he's not even here with us anymore. So...does that mean...she didn't completely forget about him??". Said Jesse looking at her gang who were mostly shocked and surprised as she was. "Oh my god, I guess she really did not forget about him at all. And we let Woody be a lost toy with Bo and the others. We made a huge mistake of letting him go, w-what are we suppose to do now?!". Asked Mrs.potato.

"I...I don't know. I thought she would never payed attention to Woody nor even play with him or find him until now. Do you guys think we should-". Jesse was cut off short when Bonnie almost came back and all of the toys needed to be back in their positions until she see them like this, being moveable toys. "I can't seem to find him anywhere mom, I don't know where he is." She said. "Well honey, do you know when was the last time you saw him? Maybe try to retrace your steps a bit and remember". Said her mom reassuring her.

"Mmm...maybe your right. But I can't right now, I need to go to school. Are you going to take me?". She asked. "Yes honey, come on now. Before we're late". She said. "Alright, but first let me go to the bathroom and brush my hair". She said running towards the hallway with her mom behind her. "Crap, I need to get on her backpack before she comes back". Said Jesse running towards the bag and jumping in.

"Wait, hold on Jesse. Before you go...about Woody-". Buzz was cut off from Jesse. "Buzz...I might have to find Woody. If Bonnie didn't completely forget about him, then...there is a chance that he can come back to us and for her to play with him again. Just like old times, and...while being with Andy before....back then....". She paused for a moment remembering the good memories they all have been with Andy, it was the best 9 nine years of their lives they have been with him.

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