Chapter 7

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Bonnie's House....

"Bonnie! Are you ready to go to the movies?". Yelled her mom near the front door, while her eyes look up from the stairs.

"Y-Yeah! I'm coming! Just got to adjust my shoe!". She yelled back tying her second shoe in place. Bowing it up properly and firm for it not to be loose for a while.

"Perfect! Alright then. Time to go see the new Movie I've been waiting for my whole life! Eee!~ . John Wick!". She said.

She checked her closet to see all her toys there. And picked one toy that she knew she wanted to take with her, Jesse.

"Okay! Bye toys!". She said waving quickly before closing the doors. Running through the hallway and downstairs.

"I'm ready!". She said giving herself a little twirl of her cute outfit to her parents. "Wow look at you. Aren't you looking all dolled up of your new outfit, do you like what I bought you Bonnie?". Said her mom smiling.

Bonnie giggles. "I love it! Thanks for buying me this mom, I truly love it~!". She squealed in joy.

"Your welcome sweetie. Now, come on. Let's get going to the theater". She said. Bonnie nodded as she happily skipped up and down towards outside of the house.

Along with Jesse in her arms. Her mom closed the door behind her leaving with everything in the house in complete silence.

As the car from outside seems to be heard faintly from upstairs in Bonnie's room. Where the toys could hear it.

"Guess it's Jesse's turn to get taken to the movies. Lucky her". Said Hamm growling in anger quietly.

"Come on Hamm, you've been taken so many times with Bonnie whenever she goes somewhere nice. Why can't you just be happy for Jesse just this once?". Said Buzz

Hamm averted his eyes away from Buzz, pouting. "Hmph! Fine, you have a point". He said.

"Exactly, it's the same way with all of us if Bonnie chooses to pick. So suck it up". Said Buzz.

"They left already". Said Dottie near the blinds. "Good, now we just wait till they get back. Right now, let's just relax everyone". He said.

Everyone spread away from each other into their own little groups. While Buzz walked away from the others, sitting down next to Bonnie's bed behind the counters.

Resting himself there, sighing.

"Um, Hey Buzz?". Said a voice. Buzz opened his eyes to see Dottie there in front of him.

"Hm? Yeah what is it Dottie?". Asked Buzz kindly. "Not to burst your bubble or anything this..yours?". She said.

Buzz looked at what she was holding, and froze. It was a small leather book that said Diary, but with his name on it written in sharpie below it.

Buzz snatched it away from Dottie's hand, holding it tight to his chest. "Wh-Where did you find this?!". He whispered sharply.

"Umm...near the lost and found box next to the book shelf? I just thought I'd give it to you. Since it has your name on it and all". She said with her face in confusion.

Buzz averted his eyes, but in sympathy. Sighed heavily looking back towards Dottie. "S..Sorry, it's just. I was...surprised that you found it is all. No one should have known about my diary, and my hiding spot from it.

It's really difficult to place it well around here with everyone being so nosy and all about each others personal issues". He said.

Dottie looked at him in a sad and guilty way. Not knowing about this, averting her eyes.

"Oh...I..I didn't know. I'm sorry Buzz. I-I didn't mean to take it. I should have asked first". She said.

"No no. It's alright, I'm sorry for taking it from your hand so rudely. I didn't mean to do that. I don't blame you from finding it since you didn't know". He said.

Dottie looked back at Buzz, smiling. "It's alright. I accept your apology". She said.

Buzz smiled while letting out a small chuckle. "I'll leave you to it then. See ya Buzz. Your secret is safe with me". She said winking.

Buzz nodded at her. "Thanks Dottie". He said.

Dottie walked away from Buzz towards the group. Leaving him alone once again.

Buzz looked down at his Diary. Smiling at it. Tearing up a little from his eyes.

He wiped them away. And carefully opened his book to see his writings on there.

In every single page. Filling it up with all his feelings and emotions about him and his life that he has now.

He read his first page that he wrote the day he found the Diary in Bonnie's garage. Reading it in his mind.

Day 1

Today I found this oddly nice looking book laying around in Bonnie's garage. I decided to keep it and mostly use it as a meditation for my mind to roam freely of my emotions towards this book.

Hopefully, I'll use this often to write my feelings of life and myself.

For now, I don't have anything to say about today.

Buzz scoffed in laughter of his words that he wrote. Remembering the moment he decided to find something useful for anything of value for his ship that he was fixing.

But instead, found the Diary. Not knowing it was going to impact him.

He gleefully smiled. "Maybe I should read some of my words in the mean time Jesse's away. It doesn't hurt to do that. It's been a while since I had a chance to read and write of my diary". He said.

"Plus, nobody has to know of my secrets.

It's all hidden right in front of me and my mind to wonder through. Heheh~".

To be Continued. (My bad is short and all but the next one is going to be long and good).

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