Chapter 2

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"Alright now, we're home". Said Bonnie's mom getting up from her seat walking towards Bonnie who was still asleep softly snoring. "Aw, my little baby is still asleep. Welp, guess I have no choice but to carry her". She said. " Where are we?". Said Bonnie already waking up from her nap. "Oh never mind then. Hey sweetie, we're home let's get your stuff so we can go inside". She said. "Ok mom, I'll get my toys and backpack ready". She said rubbing her eyes with her hands.

"That's my girl, in the meantime I'll go help your father with our stuff". She said getting off the trailer vehicle. *yawn* "come on toys, it's time to go back inside our home". She said grabbing her purple backpack and all of her toys in one go before getting off the car where her parents are waiting for her. "Do you got everything sweetie? Do you need any help?". Asked her mom.

"No thanks, I'm good mom. I'll go to my room and go to sleep more". She said. "Alright honey, goodnight. Remember you have school tomorrow alright?". She said. "Yes mom, I know". She said going to her room and gently dropping her toys on the floor while putting her backpack on the closet hanger. She hopped on her bed and began to go to sleep again.

"Finally, we're home!". Whispered Rex. "Yeah no kidding, I was a little impatient of getting back here. The trailer didn't gave me that much comfort at all". Said Mr. potato. "Oh don't be like that honey, at least Bonnie had fun on her road trip and so did we". Said Mrs.potato comforting her husband.

"Yeah I suppose your right on that one". He said chuckling slightly. "Alright everyone, it's time to rest now. We don't want to make too much noise for Bonnie or her parents. Plus, she's got school tomorrow". Said Jesse. "Oh right, sorry. Let's go everyone, to the closet". Said slinky. Everyone followed except for Jesse and Buzz who stayed behind.

"You alright Jesse?". Asked Buzz. Jesse looked down and thought about Woody making her feel sad and mournful of him. "I miss Woody already. I just wish he was here and still with us. I know we should be happy for him being with Bo and free, but it's hard to try and let it go". She said treating up a little. Buzz looked at Jesse of concern and sadness, he grabbed her hand grinning it gently.

"I know Jesse, I miss him too. But you know he would have still been an abandoned toy towards Bonnie, since she doesn't play nor pay attention to him. He would have suffered so much for that. No matter how much he try's to get her attention towards him or how much he does for her. She would still forget him. Woody would have been in so much pain of loneliness and sorrow". He said.

Jesse teared up more becoming more sad. Buzz was right, Woody would never be remembered for Bonnie to play with, and that gutted him to the core that made him hide his emotions up trying to still be determined and faked a smile to everyone around him of not worrying if he didn't had to chance to play with her or not. All that really mattered to him, was to make his friends happy and become a good leader to stay everyone together for the long time being until he was no longer there with them to guide or look up to for help, except for Jesse's turn to take Woody's place.

Jesse looked at Buzz and then at everyone else who looked at her back, filled with concern, sad, and mournful too. She hugged Buzz tightly crying her emotions out which Buzz accepted the hug and embraced her back. "It's alright Jesse, I'm here. We're all still here with you, don't forget about that. Your not alone in this". He said letting out a tear as-well softly coughing his cries.

"Thanks Buzz, for still being here with me. And everyone else too". She said. "No problem Jesse. I love you". He said. "Let's get some rest, tomorrow is going to be a long day for us. And for Bonnie as well. Are you going to school with her? Or should I?". He asked. Jesse pulled away wiping her tears off her face. "No, I'll go with her tomorrow. I'll take care of her. You just look out for the gang for me". She said.

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