The arrival in the magical world

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Samira's POV:

We were outside, taking a long walk after not being able to decide what to do. How it came to that point? It's pretty simple to explain. We already have played every single board game we had, pretty much every single video game that was there and had nothing really interesting to do. So it was pretty boring.

But now, others would probably wonder why we wouldn't do anything outside. Well, for a few weeks, we were forbidden to go out of the house. Seemingly, there were several sights of monsters which were coming from the forest near the village we were living in. And we decided to go check it out. As expected, we found nothing there. So we jusr wandered around on a field in front of said forest to get some fresh air. Luckily, nobody saw us there.

,,When do you think will this end?" Link asked. ,,Soon enough, hopefully." I responded. ,,The monsters would have to be gone first, though." Lenny said. ,,If they were real..." Bonny said. As usual, she was annoyed.

We continued our walk and, whenever we would see a deer around, we would point at it and try to get as  close to it as we could until it ran away when noticing us. It was quite some fun. Especially since we would do something together without Bonny and Lenny literally fighting again. In the end we saw around six to eight deer that we also snuck closer to.

Link's POV:

After a while of sitting and relaxing on the field and talking about what we could do when we're back, I noticed a pretty quiet rustle. I was not sure how far away it was at that moment, yet I still was calm enough to not have an actual panic attack.

Gladly we went back home after a short while, so I was able to calm down in that time and just forget that I had heard anything at all. And everything was better from the moment I got calmed down. Yet... we never even arrived at said home.

One second, we still were on the field; and the other, we went through a portal, getting into a whole 'nother place.

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