05: Farewell

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'Til' we see eachother again, princess'


It was the day that i was to go back to dragonstone, my father and mother doesn't want to stay here in the capital any longer as the tension keeps growing.

Aemond will leave tomorrow but i was to leave today.

My week with aemond has been great, although he hasn't asked for my hand.

Will he do it today?

He needs to do it today, he will be gone for months and won't return til 3 moons has passed.

If he doesn't do it today then I'll be betrothed to sohan stark.

As i was walking in the corridors of red keep, i spot my brother kaemon with saenys.

He seemed to be walking her to her chambers.

I smiled as i watched, once Saenys has entered her chambers, i approached my brother.

"I'm four years older than her" i mocked his words which i remembered. "Shut up, I'm just walking her to her chambers, nothing special" he denied.

"Better ask for her hand first when she flowers.. Don't want any baratheons taking her, aye?" i teased my brother. He was in love, i can see it.

He talks softly to her but when he talks to regular ladies, he talks to them like he wants to bed them.

But my brother wasn't that kind of man, our mother would kill him if hw tries to.

"You're in loveee" i smiled as i leaned into my brother's shoulders as we both walked.

"love.. Infatuation.. Maybe" he scoffed.. I smiled. "See!" Infatuation my ass.

He scoffed. "I do not love saenys" he kept denying it but it shows.

As we both entered his chambers, i saw that he had packed already, we are going to leave king's landing soon..

Will he ask for my hand?

I will try to wait but for how long?

I went back to my own chambers, i have dressed myself since my grandsire has prepared a farewell dinner for us.

I wore a white train dress, with my hair half up, and a lilac bow in the middle.

I wore a round amethyst earrings and necklace, with a bracelet already set.

All of these accessories was given by my father and my suitors, i do keep my suitors gift if i find them very well..

I looked at myself in the mirror. "A true goddess" Kaitlyn said from behind as she embraced me.

Kaitlyn was going to join me to the dragonstone as she doesn't have any companions here in the capital.

My mother and father do treat her like family as her lady mother was a targaryen.

Sister to my father, Alys Targaryen. My aunt.

From The Blood Of Old Valyria | Aemond TargaryenDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu