Chapter 06

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Auler&Solo:: DISCLAIMER!

Auler:: jn3883 doesn't own

Solo:: FBNFH /gyu, KHR, DC Chara


Young Fine::HI MINNA LONG TIME NO SEE! (^.^)

ME:: gladly Rein wasn't here also Shade... Ok Fine start the story!


Fushigi Boshi no Futago Hime

The Heart Guardian

Chapter 06


Previously on Fushigi boshi no Futago hime:: The Heart Guardian...

"Princess Milky is missing!" Rein reported to Hoshi

"SAY WHAT? Prince Shade is trying to search her outside of the barrier!"

"Now I'd remember! He said; I will not let lose Milky like I let lose those two!" Bright reported

"If the Night Sky Guardian die, the barrier in Moon kingdom will gone... Time to say goodbye Guardian princess of the Moon!" ~Aria~

"How stupid you are. Forgetting your weapon, while you know that your situation is in the middle of war!" ~Aria~

On the Forest of Dreams in Seed kingdom,

Hoshi continuously running away from the creepy flying creatures. As she running, she saw a certain blue haired princess. She quickly recognized the person and grabbed that girl's hand and dragged along with her.

"Hoshi!" Rein shocked to be dragged by the cold yet kind Guardian.

"Why are you here?!" Hoshi asked with angry tone not looking at her "are you really want to die!" as she dragging the princess

"I want to give you something!" Rein replied

"It cannot be wait later?!"

Then the two reached the high cliff. Below this cliff were large boulders and sharp rocks. Just wrong move and fell to it, death will come for you. Unless you have wings or ability to fly you can cheat the death but since Hoshi doesn't have her gem she cannot materialize the mist and sky armors; While Rein didn't have magical power if she doesn't have her fairy Kyukyu or even Poomoo who can fly. So this is their very unlucky day.

Rein take a look below the cliff, and she felt scared into it because of what'll awaited to them/her she took step back ward, this little cause a little noise to Guardian's ear, Hoshi heard her and look at her

"HEY! Stop looking at there!" the Heart Guardian yelled at the princess.

The Heart GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now