Best Debate #6 ✔

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The best debate for the last question: "What if Nagini killed Arthur Weasley in OOTP (Order of the Phoenix)?" is finally here, chosen by our Zacharias Smith!

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The best debate for the last question: "What if Nagini killed Arthur Weasley in OOTP (Order of the Phoenix)?" is finally here, chosen by our Zacharias Smith!

Topic by Harrypotter195604;
Best Debate Judge: Charmed_Sunshine_22;
Best Debate Winner: lovescobell;


Judge's Words:Hey all of you who are reading this, so let me welcome you all with the invested power of Voldy Moldy, my bald headed trainer in the dark arts😉 “cough” just “cough” joking

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Judge's Words:
Hey all of you who are reading this, so let me welcome you all with the invested power of Voldy Moldy, my bald headed trainer in the dark arts😉 “cough” just “cough” joking.

So the best debate winner is: lovescobell

In my opinion Harry would feel guilty about it even though it was not his fault, nor did he know about being a Horcrux himself *Spoiler*, but found out that he can read Voldemort’s mind.

I could actually see that there would be aftereffects between Harry and Ron after Arthur’s death which would lead to Hermoine being conflicted on who to choose even if their friendship wouldn’t be like it used too be, they may still talk to each other but be more on the level of keeping distance to one another. And Harry would either be a loner or hang out more with Neville & Luna or new people from the DA (Dumbledore’s Army). Of course this twist would change a lot of the series as well as give more darkness into it all!

Thanks a lot for reading and I apologise if your debate hasn’t been chosen, there’s always a next time for it✨

Keep spreading love, kindness and happiness!

If your debate did not show up here, don't worry! There's always a next time and we are sure everyone can do it!

If your debate did not show up here, don't worry! There's always a next time and we are sure everyone can do it!

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