Beginning of The End

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Waking up was not as disorienting as you'd have expected it to be after spending ten years in a coma, her surroundings on the other hand, now that was as confusing as it can get. Opening her eyes, she felt like she was waking up from a nap, when she started propping herself up on her arms and looking around, she found herself in a strange -hospital like- room with the curtains opened and beams of sunlight streaming through the windows, which surprised her since the last thing she remembered was not that, not by a long shot.

What Victoria did remember, was that she had been in the middle of a battle against violent 'Death Eaters', and a curse was hurtling towards her younger brother, but instead of allowing it to make contact, she intercepted it, getting hit instead, and the last thing she remembered was the sound of her brother shouting her name as everything went black. Now she found herself in a hospital room with four other beds, two of which were occupied.

She was interrupted from her musing by the sound of a slide door opening and footsteps coming into the room, she immediately turned her head towards the person entering, who froze as soon as he saw her alert eyes staring at him, caution clear in her silver irises.

The healer took a moment to compose himself before speaking. "Lady Prewett. What a pleasure it is to see you awake."

"Awake? What do you mean by that Mr...?"

"Ah excuse my impoliteness, I am Healer Alexander Goldstein, I am the Head Mind Healer her at St. Mungo's. You are in the Janus Thickey ward as you've been asleep for a while now, Lady Prewett." The healer, Goldstein, explained slowly, coming to stand in front of her bed.

Victoria tilted her head slightly to the side in confusion. "For how long?"

"Um, well to be frank." Healer Goldstein said, stuttering on his response, but at the impatient look he was given, he just blurted out the answer. "Around ten year."

"Is that so?" Victoria's voice had taken on a cold drawl, as she was using strong Occlumency to hide her utter shock at the news. Ten years. For ten years, she'd been asleep, unaware of what was going on in the world. Her boys were thirteen now, and her Henry was eleven.

"What is the date then?"

"July eighteenth, nineteen ninety-one." That had her thinking for a bit.

"What happened these past ten years?" She asked quietly, and after a few seconds of thinking, the healer told her about all the major events that had happened. He hesitantly told her about her brother's death and the subsequent destruction of You-know-who, he told her about the imprisonment of Sirius Black and most of his family, for different reasons but the bases was the same, they were all Death Eaters. He told her about how her nephew was heralded as hero for doing something at one years old, and how her family's story became a legend told to kids as a bedtime story. She listened to all of it with a blank expression, worrying the healer, but she was actually taking everything in. She felt the complete grief rocking her world and causing her heart to ache, but she didn't want to show her feelings to the mind healer, as she feared it might delay her leaving this place. She nodded her head to the healer when he finished his retelling, and for the first time he saw the pain she was feeling in her eyes, even though she had tried very hard to hide it.

"I'm truly very sorry for your loss Lady Prewett."

"Thank you Healer Goldstein. Is there a chance I can leave here soon?"

"Ah, well. We'll need to give you a mental and physical health test before that, as being in a coma for such a long time can be very damaging to your body. But as soon as that is done and we are sure you are completely healthy, you'll be able to leave with your closest living relatives, who would be Mister and Missus Weasley."

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