𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 - diner

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It was a Saturday morning when Y/n anxiously walked into the diner, looking around for Bruce Yamada

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It was a Saturday morning when Y/n anxiously walked into the diner, looking around for Bruce Yamada. She was supposed to meet him around that time.

He was nowhere to find. 

Y/n sighed as she slipped into a booth and stared at the doorway, patiently waiting for the dark-haired boy. She hoped he didn't ghost her. 

Nervously fiddling with her fingers, she hears jingling bells. She looks up and sees the boy with a smile on his perfect face. 

His eyes meet Y/n's, and he walks toward her and sits in front of her. "Hey," he breathes. Y/n's lips curve into a slight smile. 

"You're late," she remarked. 

Bruce's lips stretch thin. "I had to help my mom with something before I left. Sorry about that," he apologizes. Y/n shakes her head. 

"No, it's alright. You don't have to worry," Y/n responded. A woman jogs over to them, holding a notepad and a pen. 

The duo looked up at the lady, who was smiling sweetly. "Hello, kids. What would you like to order?" She asked. 

Bruce glances at her while Y/n panics, looking through the menu. "Uh, I'll have a milkshake, thanks," Y/n replies. 

"I'll have a Coke. Thank you," he says kindly. The waitress jots down their orders before walking towards the bar. 

Bruce takes his wallet out of his pocket. "I'll pay," he says, taking a ten-dollar bill out of his wallet. 

Y/n shakes her head before taking her own money out of her pocket. "No, Bruce. I can pay for my milkshake," she nervously chuckles.

"It's fine," he insists. "I'll do it."


She eventually gives up as she places her money in her coat pocket. Bruce stares at the fogged-up window. "It's cold today," he attempts to make small talk. 

Y/n looks outside and takes her hand, wiping off the condensation from the glass to see what is happening outside. It was snowing again, but it was very light. Shit. Y/n only wore a light jacket. Bruce suddenly gets up and walks to the jukebox on the right side of the diner. 

"You got any quarters?"

After handing him the coins, he walks to the jukebox, and Y/n quietly follows. 

While looking through the songs, he slips a quarter into the slot and picks a tune; Y/n stares at him while he does it. She wondered why she didn't think of playing a song from the jukebox. 

'The Christmas Song' starts blasting from the speakers while Bruce follows Y/n back to their booth with the drinks waiting for them. 

Y/n takes a sip from her straw while she quietly hums to the music. She noticed Bruce singing the song to himself, causing Y/n to laugh. Bruce turned red in embarrassment and stopped singing. 

"So, the winter dance," Bruce asks her. Y/n looks up from the table. 

"What about it?"

The winter dance was the event that everyone at their school was anticipating. Girls were gushing over their classmates, hoping one of them would ask them out. It was two weeks before the occasion, but many already had dates. Y/n hoped Robin would ask her out, but she doubted it. He doesn't even like her anyway. 

"Are you going?" Bruce says, swirling the straw in his drink. 

"I guess," Y/n responds. She didn't want to go, but her parents wanted her to for the experience.

"Do you have a date?"

Y/n's breath hitches. "No," she mutters. She was embarrassed that she didn't have one already. 

"Oh, okay," Bruce replies, sipping his Coke. Y/n's lips stretch thin. It was painfully awkward at the moment. Why did he ask her that question?

"What about you? Are you planning to ask anyone?" Y/n questions.

Bruce shrugs in reply. "I don't know. Maybe," he answers. Y/n nods her head before finishing her milkshake. Bruce's Coke bottle was also empty. 

The waitress comes to their table and places the bill. Bruce takes his money and gives it to her. "I can pay you back if you want," Y/n suggests. 

"Y/n, we've been over this. I'll pay," he grins. Y/n sighs as she gets up to leave with Bruce.


Bruce, being the gentleman he is, offered to walk her home, and Y/n agreed.

While walking down the slippery sidewalk, Y/n holds her arms and starts rubbing them, hoping to stay warm. Y/n didn't check the weather for today, so she stupidly chose a very light jacket to wear for the day.

Bruce shrugs off his jacket and holds it out for her. "Take it. You're freezing," he chuckles. Y/n's eyes widen as she shakes her head. 

"No, you're gonna be cold," Y/n refuses. Bruce didn't answer as he placed the warm coat over her shoulders. Y/n nervously looked up at Bruce, who gave her a sweet smile. He's so sweet. The two started walking faster to Y/n's home, so she could give the jacket to Bruce, who began to go pale. 

Once they arrived at Y/n's home, she handed the jacket back to Bruce. "Thanks for today. It was fun," Y/n smiled. 

"We should do that again sometime," he suggests. Y/n waves at him before he jogs to his house, beaming. 

Y/n smiled to herself. Bruce Yamada. He was a good guy.  

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