Chapter 10

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I am now 9 months pregnant and due soon we choose to wait to know the gender and it has been killing cooper "can't you just give birth already" he whines "cooper stop whining" Elle says sitting on his lap in the hospital room "I can't we have been sitting in this room for 5 hours I thought it was faster!" his mom comes in " Abbie's lucky for you cooper it took 12 hours" "12!" he asks and looks at me. I laugh and he grabs my hand "I'm sorry you're the one in pain but to be fair you asked for it" cooper  says "cooper children in the room!" "It doesn't count one is unborn!" "and one is not!" I say pointing to Elle "what are you guys talking about?" she asks "nothing!" I say really fast then feel a pain in my stomach   "ow!" "are you okay!?" Cooper asks in a panic "I'm fine it's just a contraction" I realize what I just said and look at his mom "it's a contraction!" I say again "I'll get a doctor!" she says running out of the room "what's going on?!" Cooper asks confused "you're getting what you want!" I say in pain screaming a little. I squeeze his hand hard and a doctor comes in "okay I only want the father in here" she says and Mrs, Fynn grabs Elle and walks out of the room. "What's happening?" Elle asks once they are in the waiting room "Abbie's having the baby" she says. I squeeze Cooper's hand harder and scream a little. "Is this your first?" the doctor asks "yes!" I say in pain "okay do you have a favorite song or something custom to your family?"  "yes?!" I answer confused then scream again "does your boyfriend know it?" "yeah" "okay can you sing that for her please," the doctor says and Cooper starts singing.
    "Ahhhh" the baby whales "as I let go of Cooper's hand and sigh "okay let's see you beautiful baby girl" "a girl" I sigh out of breath "yeah," Cooper says and I laugh. "Let's get her cleaned up and you can see her," the doctor says. They come back 5 minutes later with her wrapped in a blanket "ohh" I sigh as I hold her in my arms, she reaches up for my hair, and I laugh "you like my hair, yeah well so does you, dad, hopefully, your get the same as mine" "what are we going to name her?" Cooper asks, leaning over my shoulder looking at her "autumn". I say "I love that," copper says. I look at Cooper questioning if he wants to hold her, he looks scared at first, "Cooper it is okay" "okay" he says holding out his hands. I gently place her into his arms and she whines for a few seconds then becomes calm again "hi autumn" cooper says not sure how to hold her "make sure you support her head she cant hold it up yet" i say egdusting his arm. She giggles litly "yeah this is your dad he is amazing" i say kissing her forehead. Cooper looks at me "am i holding her right i am not hurting her am I ?" "cooper you are doing amazing". An hour later his mom comes in as I am asleep and Cooper is holding Autumn who is fast asleep. " a girl?!" she asks excited "a girl" cooper answers "whats her name?" his mom says sitting next to him "autumn" he says looking down at her "that's really pretty i love it" "wheres elle?" Cooper asks "with noah" "noahs here?!" Cooper asks surprised "yes he has been here all this time did you not know that?" "no i didn't think he would want to be here" "well he is very nervous" "as i was when abbie handed me autumn" "it went good?" he looks at me "yeah it did". They sit there for a while until I wake up. "Hmm," I say looking at Cooper. "hey," his mom says, I smile looking down at cooper holding autumn.'' She fell asleep in your arms. ''I say he looks down "yeah she did". Rachel pokes her head in "is there a new mom in here?" she asks "Rachel!" I say waving her to come in "wait shouldn't you be in bed you are due in a week?" I question "hey no talking about me!" "Rachel sit down you could give birth any second" "I'm fine you are like Justin!". She sits down next to me and looks over to Cooper "a girl!?" she asks "a girl" I answer "omg yay!" I laugh "do you want to hold her?" "yes!" I look at Cooper, and he hands her to me "here Rachel" I place autumn in her arms "what's her name?" she asks "autumn" cooper says "I love that!". I get a call "Cooper, can you answer my phone please?" "yeah" he answers, picking it up. "Hello?" cooper asks "cooper hey it's Donovan Lacey told me to call Abbie and tell her that we had the baby" "oh well you can tell lacey us too" "wait you guys had your baby?" Donovan asks "yeah we are in the hospital right now Rachel is holding her" cooper answers, lacey grabs the phone "cooper can I please talk to Abbie?!" "Yeah," Cooper says, handing me the phone "they had their baby," he says. "Abbie?" lacey asks "hey!" I say "omg you had your baby!" lacey exclaims "yes and you had yours! Girl or boy?" I ask "girl!" she says "me too!" "ahhh!" we both scream over the phone. "Calm down you are going to wake autumn up," Cooper says, I look at autumn still fast asleep. "What's her name?" I ask "summer" "aww that's cute!" " What's her name?" Lacey asks me "autumn," I say "aww". "I know okay Rachel is here and I keep telling her that she needs to rest but she won't" "I'm fine!" Rachel says, "Rachel, you need to rest, you're having a baby!" "I'm fine, I still have a week till my due date!" "babies come early Rachel, autumn came early" "you two are more stubborn than Justin!". Justin comes in "hey," he says looking at cooper then at autumn, and back at cooper "you good?" he asks cooper "cooper looks up at Justin then me "yeah I'm good". "Rachel you need to get back to your room and lay down" Justin says "wait you are supposed to be in a bed in the hospital?" I question "I'm fine" Rachel says to Justin "you know we can ask to be put in a double room where we can be together" I say "yes let's do that" Rachel says "only if you promise to not get out of bed" Justin says "fine" Rachel says.

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