Chapter 2

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We are out hanging out with Rachel and Justin, after school at the mall. "So where do you want to go first?" Cooper asks as we walk in. "food?" Rachel asks, "I'm not hungry," I answer. Cooper looks at me and says "wait I haven't seen you eat in a while now and you say you are not hungry whenever we are going to eat, what is going on?" "nothing" I answer as I turn back to Rachel "we can go find you new shoes?" "no..stop changing the subject" Cooper interrupts. I turn back around, "Cooper, I am fine!" "then why aren't you wanting to eat!" " know what, I can't do this right now". I start to turn back around to Rachel when I feel dizzy and stop.Cooper looks at me confused, "abs are you okay?" he asks in a worried voice. I fall to the ground and blackout. Cooper falls to his knees. "Abbie!.. Abbie wake up!". He picks me up, "Rachel, Justin come on! He puts me in the backseat of his car with me slowly waking up. "Cooper, I'm fine..." he gets in the driver's seat, "I'm not going through this with you. You're not fine!" When we got to his house, only his sister was home. He sets me on his bed, I try to stand up but he pushes me back down to the bed "Abigail I'm serious don't get up!". A tear runs down my cheek and he hugs me. Rachel and Justin stand in the corner of the room. Cooper lets go of me and says "Abbie... Your lips are purple, when was the last time you drank water?" "last week I guess" "ABIGAIL!" "what!" "That's it Abbie, when was the last time you ate!". I look down and hesitate to answer but then say " a..uh..3..3 days ago" I force myself to say. Cooper picks up the chair and throws it at the door. Which made me scared. I have never seen Cooper so angry. Justin walked over to Cooper "Cooper calm down you scarring Abbie!" Cooper looks over at me in my spot in the corner of the bed with blankets all around me. "Abs, I'm sorry, I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at myself" I don't move. "Why don't you go get Abbie some food and water Cooper?" Rachel suggested. Cooper walks out and Rachel walks over to me, "you okay?" "yeah.." I answered "Abbie, he is not mad at you he just frustrated that you haven't eaten. He is worried". I nod. Cooper walks back in and puts a glass of water on the nightstand then some apple sauce. "Abbie, why haven't you been eating or drinking water?" he asks calmly, "i...I have b...been busy lately and I forget to drink water" " too busy to drink water?" he questioned "'re right" "what about eating?" I reach for my bag and Cooper grabs it for me. I open it and show him a magazine. "Abs what is this?" he asks "look at the girls". He opens it and looks through it "their skinny and beautiful!" I shout "Abigail, you can't be serious!" "what?" I ask "they photoshop every pimple and scar off these girls and make them look way different than they are and I don't want a girl that looks like this!" "you don't?" I ask "no!" he holds my hand in his "I am perfectly happy and wowed on what I got" I smile softly. "Plus if you get anymore skinny you will become a skeleton!". I laugh and look at Rachel and Justin, noding for them to come over, I stay over at cooper's that night.

618 words

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