Chapter 5

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We land and Cooper is freaking out. "Cooper, everything is going to be okay!" Rachel says as Cooper paces outside of the medical room in the airport "Cooper sit down!" Justin says as he pulls Cooper to a seat. "I can't sit down. I'm nervous, what if she is not okay!" "she is okay!" Justin and Rachel say in union.  One of the doctors comes out and says "she isn't awake but you can visit her''. Cooper jumps out of his seat nearly knocking it over and runs in the doors.  He opens my door and sees me asleep. Rachel and Justin walk in after him and see Cooper sitting on a chair next to my bed holding my hand. I start to wake up, " hey..." I say softly "Abbie, are you okay!"  cooper exclaims "yeah... I'm fine cooper". "Abbie.. Why did you pass out?" I look at the ground. I look at Cooper ''Look I'm sorry" "Abbie, are you not eating again?" Justin asks. I look at Justin then nod "yeah..." "ABIGAIL!" Justin screams "Justin don't" Rachel says "NO cooper freaked out on her the first time, and she promised she would never do that again!". Cooper sits there looking at me.  I look at Cooper ''I'm sorry.." I say "Abbie I don't even know what to say.. You promised me that you would never do this again!" Cooper says. "I know but I thought you wouldn't find out that I could hide it", Cooper just looks at me then at the ground. The doctor comes in, "well she passes out because of lack of food but the throwing up was just morning sickness" I look at the doctor confused "what do you mean" the doctor looks at me "oh you didn't know.. You're pregnant."  "what.." I say " yes you are 3 months in, I leave you guys to it". I turned to Rachel "you didn't know?!"  she asks "No!". I look at cooper "wow" he says. "Wait just to make sure it is my kid right?" Cooper asks "YES Cooper you are the only guy I have slept with!" I say "okay! Don't get mad at me," Cooper says  "that's why I have been gaining weight and been more hungry," I say. "Oh my god my mom is going to kill me!" I say "really your mom I would think your dad is going to kill me," Cooper says. I look at my stomach "hey.." I say. Cooper places his hand on my stomach and kisses me on the forehead. "I'm a mom.." I say "and I'm a dad," Cooper says. Rachel watches me "you ready?" she says, I look up "no, but I'll get there... I have 6 Months right?". Rachel laughs, "yeah". I look at Justin "you okay?" I ask "yeah it's just shocking", "I know" "I'm sorry I yelled at you.." Justin says "It's fine".     We leave the airport and go to our hotel, "wow this place is amazing" I said as we walked to our room. Cooper puts his arm around my shoulder as we walk. I look at him and he smiles. When we get to the room, Cooper unlocks the door. "Wow," I say again " why do you think everything is 'wow'?" Justin says "hey! Be nice to the pregnant lady," I say as I hold my stomach. "Are you going to use that as an excuse until you have the baby?" Rachel asks "yeah then I get to use be nice to the mom" she laughs then sets her bag down "I'm hungry!" I whine to cooper "okay let's see what we can find you" he says to me "we will be right back" cooper says to Rachel and Justin "okay!" Both of them say.we walk to the lobby and Cooper goes to the front desk "is there any food around here?" Cooper asks "yes there is" she answers "good because my girlfriend is pregnant and hungry" "oh why didn't you say so when you checked in!" "why?" Cooper asks "because we have special treatment for our soon to be moms!". Cooper looked back at me and waved for me to come over. I walk over "yes?" I say to Cooper "oh is this our soon to be a mom?" the lady says "yes!" I answer "how many months are you in!" the lady asks "im 3 months in" "oh well a new one is this your first pregnancy?" "yes" I answer "okay we have to show you all the special things here we have for you!". We all walked through the hallway to one I hadn't seen when we passed earlier. She opens a door and I see a food table, comfy couches, and more. "Wow" "yes this is where our soon-to-be moms like to come when they don't feel up to doing something that the people that they came with are doing". There is a girl in the back that looks familiar so I say "Cooper you can go back with Rachel and Justin I will be back in a little bit" he laughs and walks out. I walk over to her "lacey?!" I ask, she turns around and sees me "abbie!" "hey!" " I look at her stomach "umm since when are you pregnant?" I ask "I could ask you the same thing". I sit down "Cooper''  I say "how long in are you?" she asks "only 3 months " "OMG me too!" "wait what if we have our kids on the same day?" I ask "that would be amazing!" "so where is Donavan?" I asked "he in our room, I shooed him away" I laughed "I just did the same with cooper!" we both laugh "so is it just you and Cooper here?" lacey asks "no rachel and justin are here to" "oh! we will have to hang out altogether!" "yes! Too bad Rachel can't be in here. This would be the perfect place to hang out while the boys do something together" "who says she can't! I know the boss here, I'll get her in'' ''of course you do, you're famous!" she laughs. We hear a knock on the door and Lacey walks to it. When she opens it Donavan was at the door "hey!" I shout from the couch "hey!" he shouts back, I walk to the door and he looks at me "since when are you pregnant?" "since 3 months ago" I answer "so cooper and Justin are here too and I and Abbie and Rachel are going to hang out maybe you guys should too" lacey says "yeah that would be cool" Donavan says "okay umm let's go see them" I say. We walk to my room and I open the door "lacey!" Rachel says hugging her "hey!" Cooper comes over to Donavan and says hi along with Justin "I found Lacey in the special spot" I say. Cooper looks at me then lacey "you're pregnant?" "yeah!" Lacey says "Wait, how did you know that?" Rachel asks Cooper "because Abbie said that she was in the spot and that's where the soon to be moms go" "well congrats!" Rachel says to Lacey hugging her again ''thanks!" "So we were thinking that the boys could do something so the girls could hang out" I say "yeah that be cool" Justin says "yeah" "sure" cooper and  Donavan say. Lacey and I exchange a look and we both grab Rachel's wrists and pull her out of the room and down the hall. "Woah!" Rachel says as we make a stop in front of the special room "wait I thought only soon-to-be moms can go in there," Rachel says "yeah but I know the boss here and you are now allowed!". We all laugh and go inside.    "What do you guys want to do?" Justin asks "umm is there anything here that is cool?" Cooper asks "I saw an arcade" Donavan answers "okay let's go!" Justin says. The girls all sit down and talk "so how did it happen" Rachel asks Lacey "you want all the deeds?" Lacey asks "yes!" both I and Rachel say "okay so I had just finished shooting a scene for my new movie, I went in the trailer to change out of my set clothes, so I changed then I heard a knock on the door I went to go see who it was and it was Donavan. We went to his house and no one was home, we went into his bedroom and were just kissing. Then all of a sudden I felt a cold hand on my thigh." "oh my god!" Rachel says "then you know it happened" "how did you know you wanted it to happen?" Rachel asks " you just know when it happens" lacey says.We decided to go to the pool so we all went back and got changed into swimsuits. The boys finish with the arcade and while on their way back to the room they see us at the pool and they walk out there. "Hey girls," Cooper says, we all look at them "hey!" we all say "cooper take your phone out of your pocket," I say "why?" he says as he does. I pull him by the feet in the pool "ahh! Abbie!" he says as he comes to the surface soaking wet. "Hey! At Least I told you to take your phone out ''I say as I laugh. He laughs then kisses me, Lacey reaches for dovavans feet but he takes two steps back "no way I'm not getting wet, if you want me to I will go change," he says "but that's no fun!" Lacey complains "too bad!" "ugh!" she whines "go change you three," Rachel says. Cooper hops out of the pool and they all go change. They get back and we hide behind a wall "where are they?" Cooper asks but we all pop out and pull them in the pool. "Really! Again!" Cooper asks me. Everyone laughs, we play around for about an hour then we get out " what time is it?" I ask, Cooper looks at his phone "6:18 pm" "wow we were out here for a while," Rachel says  "yeah," lacey says. Lacey and I look at each other at the same time and say "I'm hungry!". Donavan and Cooper look at each other and laugh. "Come on we have to get our hungry pregnant girlfriends some food." Donavan says " do all pregnant women just get hungry at the same time if they are right next to each other?" justin asks "i don't know" i say. We eat then go to bed

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