Chapter 7

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We are all walking down the hall, me and Lacey with our shoes in our hands "soooo" I say "so what" Cooper says "how is it having the hottest girlfriend ever?" I stop and look at him, he grabs my waist "well it's amazing she is so beautiful and nice, and did I mention so pretty" cooper says "I think you did". "Stop you two!" Rachel says in a joking tone. "Hey don't be jealous," I say we all laugh and go to our rooms. The next morning I hear a knock at the door and get up to answer it. I open the door and see Rachel "hey Rachel wha-" "I need you and lacey to come to the room now!" she says then runs off "okay.." when I get down to the room Rachel is sitting on the couch "Rachel what's going on?" lacey asks. We sat down " um okay so last night you know we had our date" "yeah" I say "so when me and Justin went back to our room we kinda like umm and i" "Rachel tell us!" lacey says. Rachel pulls out a pregnancy test "I'm pregnant" Rachel says. I look at Lacey "omg Rachel!" we both say "I don't know how to tell Justin" Rachel says "okay we are going to figure out how to" lacey says. We hear a knock at the door and Rachel starts to freak out "Hey! Hey! Hey! calm down you're fine" lacey says while I go open the door, "hey Abbie um Justin is looking for Rachel" cooper says "um well she is not in here" I lie, he looks over my shoulder "she's right there" she says pointing at her "what's going on why are you guys hiding from us" he asks "um bye!" I say slamming the door in his face. "Good going Abbie now he is suspicious!" Rachel says "it's not my fault!" "okay! okay! Girls stop fighting, we need to figure this out!" Lacey says I hear a knock at the door again and I ignore it "girls we know you're in there!" Donovan shouts from the door. Lacey goes to the door and opens it, all the boys are standing there "what's going on lacey?" Donovan asks "nothing!" "Okay then let us in" Cooper says "no!" I shouted. Rachel runs out of the room and down the hall "Rachel!" I scream trying to go after her, Cooper grabs me by the hips and pulls me back "tell us what is going on!" he demands "let me go!" I say fighting his grip. Lacey tries to go after her and Donovan grabs her too. "Okay girls tell us what is going on now!" Cooper says  "let me go!" I say still fighting Cooper "not until you tell us!" he says, tightening his grip. "Rachel is pregnant!" lacey says. Justin looks at us shocked then runs to find Rachel. Cooper and Donovan let us go and I fell to the ground "Abbie?! Are you okay?" "I'm fine.." I say trying to stand up. Cooper helps me up and I fall back in his arms "Woah Abbie come on let's get you back to the room" he says picking me up "I'm fine cooper.." "you need to lay down". When we get back to our room Rachel is there with Justin, copper sets me down on the bed "lay down Abbie" "what happened?" Rachel asks "she got dizzy" Lacey answers "how did it go?" Lacey whispers to Rachel. "Just fine" she whispers back and they both smile, "cooper I'm fine I just got dizzy," I say trying to sit up "the last time you got dizzy you passed out" he argues "cooper that was for something different you know that!" "just lay down," he says, putting a blanket over me. I look at Rachel ''did you?" I ask "yeah I told him'' she answers, Justin, kissing her cheek. I try to sit up. "Abbie" Cooper says in a stern voice "fine," I said laying back down. An hour later Cooper lets me get back up "can I talk to you Rachel and lacey?" they look at each other agreeing, and say "yes". I pull them out of the room into the hallway "we are all pregnant" I say "yeah we know'' lacey says " we are pregnant" Rachel says "we know! what is going on?" Lacey says "my parents are going to kill me!" I yell. Cooper hears me and they all walk out of the room "they are not going to kill you, we already went over this," he says putting an arm around me. "They might not kill Abbie but my parents will kill me," Rachel says "no they won't," Justin says, hugging her from behind. "Yes they will!" Rachel complains. Justin kisses her neck "I promise they won't''. "Are we the only ones that our parents know?'' Lacey asks "yeah," I say "wow". The next day we have to go back so I am in my room packing "cooper do you know where my sunglasses are!" I shout, he walks out of the bathroom "try the nightstand'' I look in the nightstand and sure enough there, they were "how do you always do that?" "do what?'' Cooper says, looking up from his phone. "Know where my stuff is" "I don't know" I throw them in my backpack and zip my suitcase up. "I'm ready," I say "finally!" "hey I didn't take that long!"  i say we walk out and meet justin and donovan "where's rachel and lacey'' i ask "rachel is finishing packing" justin says "and lacey is using the bathroom for the 10th time today" "ha i am the first girl out i am not slow" i say to cooper "yeah whatever" cooper says. I walk up to him and put my arms around his neck "i need to hear that i am not slow" "abbie let it go" he says "not until you say it" "you are frustrating" "i know" "fine you are not slow" "thank you" i say walking away to rachel's room "stay out here boys!" I shout as I go in. "rachel?" "i'm in here!" she yells from the bed "hey are you ready?" i ask "yeah i just can't reach my shoe to tie it"  "yeah I made copper tie mine let me see them". I tie her shoes and we walk out to laceys room "lacey?" I call as I turn the corner and see her on the ground crying "hey..what's wrong?" i say sitting next to her and rachel following "my parents kicked me out and i didnt tell donovan'' she says through sobs ''why did they kick you out?'' Rachel asks "because they aren't okay with me having a kid so young" she says crying harder "and now when i get home i wont have any place to go". I nod for Rachel to go get Donovan and she leaves "lacey it will be okay, donovon loves you and you guys will find a way" i say as donovan comes in "lacey? Hey...what's wrong babe?" "nothing!" she wipes her tears and turns around. "Hey..." he says, slowly turning her back, and I stand up and walk out. "Can you please tell me what is bothering you?" he asks Lacey, she looks up at him "my parents kicked me out," she says in an almost whisper "oh lace," he says hugging her. When I get outside Cooper stares at me as I sit down on the floor "abs?" he says sitting next to me "what?!" I say quietly "hey..what's wrong? What happened in there?" "Lacey's parents are not okay with her having a kid! AND WHAT IF MY PARENTS KICK ME OUT TOO!" I scream sobbing "woah okay abs it will be fine" "HOW DO YOU KNOW!" I scream tears still racing down my face as my breath becomes fast and heavy "come here" he says, pulling me closer. Lacey and Donovan come out and Lacey looks at me "what happened?" she asks "she is worried her parents are going to do the same" justin answers. I start breathing very fast and Cooper realizes right away "hey..hey..hey calm down you're going to have a panic attack!" Cooper says in a worried voice. I try to calm down but I can't "abbie!" he exclaims. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" i say pushing him off me and turning around "abbie please you need to calm down!" he says trying to grab my arm "GET OFF OF ME!" "NO!" he says, grabbing me by the waist and holding me still. "LET ME GO!" "Abigail grace heart! you need to calm down!". I stop fighting him and start to calm my breathing "you used my full never use my full name," I say quietly a tear rolling down my cheek "I'm sorry I know you don't like that but you need to breathe and that was the first thing that came to mind" cooper explains "are you mad at me?" I say in a whisper another tear rolling down my face "no Abbie I'm sorry come here," he says holding his arms out. I collapse in his arms as he hugs me tight "I'm sorry," he says again kissing my head, I don't answer.
"Guys it's 10:00 we have to go," Rachel says. when we were in the car cooper realized I was really quiet "I'm sorry" cooper says looking over for a few seconds then turning his attention back to the road, I look over at him "I'm not mad" I say "then why are you so quiet?" he says still looking at the road "just thinking" I say. He looks over for a second and grabs my hand, he looks back at the road "I love you, you know that right?" Cooper asks "yeah I know".

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