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A/N: I most definitely should be studying for a math test but instead I finished this chapter. It's kind of just a filler chapter and more development will happen in the next. 

Hopefully you read and enjoy. :)


The next morning, Lauren was the first to wake up. When her brain pushed away the remnants of sleep foggy her thoughts, she realized that Camila had shifted into laying half on top of her in the night, and she was trapped until her friend woke up.

Camila seemed peaceful in her sleep, and Lauren was surprised to see her hand had made its way to hook over her nose and mouth in her sleep. It made Lauren wonder if Camila used any other special items when she was in headspace, but Lauren didn't know how to ask without seeming weird or rude, which was not her intention at all.

Then she thought about why she was curious in the first place. Camila was a Little, and that was perfectly fine, but Lauren was not. Sure her designation came back saying she was a Little, and maybe Camila could argue that there was a reason for that, but Lauren knew it wasn't really true. She couldn't be a Little. She would just explain her curiosity as wanting to get to know her friend better and understand why it appealed to Camila so much.

Lauren didn't really want to be a Little. And even if she did, she couldn't, anyways. She wasn't supposed to be one. Which was why she needed to change her designation. She probably should have done it sooner, but it just slipped her mind.

Camila suddenly inhaled deeply and stretched, letting out a soft yawn as she did so. "I can feel your brain running," she mumbled as she nuzzled further into Lauren. "What are you thinking about?"

"Classwork," Lauren lied easily. "I have some work to do on a project."

Camila hummed softly, still not opening her eyes. "You told me you were all caught up or even ahead in your classes."

"Yeah but there's still stuff I can work on. I should probably go home and get started."

Camila wrapped Lauren up in a bear hug and held the older girl close. "You should give yourself a break. You're always working too much. Still think you should take fewer classes next semester."

"I said I would consider it," Lauren replied. She gently pushed Camila back and poked her shoulder when the younger girl whined slightly. "Let me out. I have to use the bathroom, Camz."

Camila huffed but relented. "Fine. I'm gonna go downstairs," she grumbled as she rolled out of bed.

A couple minutes later, Lauren found Camila in the kitchen with two bowls and spoons, a jug of milk, and a box of cereal on the counter in front of her. "What are you doing?" she asked as she walked closer.

"Waiting for you, doofus," Camila replied. She picked up the box of cereal and started to pour some into the bowls.

Lauren blinked in surprise. "You can just get yourself cereal?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be? Really, the only thing I'm not allowed to do is use the stove or oven. Or knives."

"Well, you're a walking hazard anyways trying to cook, so I'm not surprised."

Camila huffed and shoved the older girl. "Shut up. I'm not that bad."

"Tell that to the microwave you destroyed."

"That was one time."

Lauren took the offered bowl of cereal and frowned slightly. "I don't think I've ever had this before," she said as she examined the multicolored cereal. "I'm pretty sure this is one of those things I wasn't allowed to eat because it had too much sugar in it."

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