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A/N: Another chapter because apparently I'm productive. No Lauren in this chapter. I know it's weird but this chapter is (in my mind, at least) important before the next one. 

Hopefully you read and enjoy. :)


Camila bounced on her toes as she waited on the front porch.

"Hey, Mila," Normani greeted as she opened the door. She stepped aside to let the girl in. "Ally mentioned you coming over. A bit odd for a Wednesday, but not unwelcome."

Camila nodded as she walked inside. She slipped off her backpack and set it by the closet door. "I don't really plan on staying long. I just wanted to talk to you guys about something," she explained as she followed the older woman further inside.

Normani paused and frowned worriedly. "Did we do something wrong?"

"No, oh no, no, no. You guys didn't do anything," Camila assured. She hesitantly reached for the older woman's hand, and latched on when Normani grabbed hers firmly. "I promise. I just have something I want to ask you guys. It's kind of important, and I don't want to be little for it. So I figured a day that I don't normally come over for would work best," she hurried to explain.

"Camila, you're welcomed over any time," Ally promised from where she laid on top of Dinah on the couch.

"Yeah, I'm always up for having my Walz here," Dinah proclaimed cheerily. She sat up and pushed Ally aside. "Although this sounds surprisingly serious."

"Wow, I'm shocked you can tell," Normani teased as she led Camila closer. She ignored the scowl Dinah sent her way.

Ally reached out for the girl's hand and gently tugged Camila down onto the couch between herself and Dinah as Normani went to sit in the recliner. "What do you want to talk about?" she asked.

Camila scrunched her face slightly. "Well, it's more like asking you guys for something," she explained. "But there's a little bit of backstory to it."

"Alright, what's up?" Dinah questioned. "You're not in trouble of some kind, are you?"

"No, no," Camila promised with a shake of her head. "It's not anything bad, I promise. It's about my friend, Lauren."

"Your roommate," Normani clarified, earning a nod from the younger girl. "Is she in trouble of some kind?"

"No," Camila answered. "I found out the other day that she got her designation like a year ago, and never did anything about it. She also never said anything until the other night, and that was just completely by accident."

Normani nodded slowly, her brows furrowed in confusion. "So where do we come in?"

"Well, it turns out Lauren's designation is Little. I was wondering if you guys would be willing to meet her, like properly, and then let her come over for an afternoon so she can see what I like about being a Little."

Dinah frowned and tilted her to the side slightly. "She basically hid her designation for a year and is only now asking about it because you know?"

"Well, she kind of knows a tiny bit because she used to help me before I found you guys," Camila hastily explained. "But, there wasn't a whole lot for me to do then because I was still in high school and didn't have much money aside from an allowance from my parents, so I was super limited to what I could buy. But it's different now and Lauren just-"

Ally took hold of the girl's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Mila, honey, it's okay. I don't think Dinah meant for that to be as accusational as it was."

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