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Nobody told me trust could get me killed. That I'd be so close to death that I'd narrowly escape it.

Certainly when trust is lost, you'd feel betrayed, you'd shed tears sometimes and get angry, but my experience of having someone break my trust? Took me down the road of death, nearly wiping my name out of existence.

It all started one summer morning in Phirrewood where the atmosphere was oddly cold despite the tangible warmth of the sun. My mother, little sister and I were downstairs getting ready for school.

Mom was packing Ava's lunch, whiles I made my own of waffles, fried chicken and vegetable strips, amidst listening to the radio presenter brief up the weekend's news.

"In other stories, tragedy has struck Fallwood again as the red rose has murdered a family of five in cold blood. Investigators say that what puts them on edge is the note whomever they may be left behind. Unfortunately, we haven't been authorized to disclose anything to the public, but it is believed that everyone should be on guard and stay....." mom turned it off, sighing

I let out a shaky breath, sharing a knowing glance with my mother, who's never been happy about these recent murders. Although it doesn't affect us directly, it's creating a sense of internal panic in our town since Fallwood was just ten hours away.

Anything about hurting someone, death and murder hits me the wrong way and for a year now, the neighboring town -Fallwood-, which was once a very peaceful place with many natural reserves similar to the forest that surrounds Phirrewood, has been dealing with the dread of an unknown serial killer who targets random people and leaves a red rose at the crime scene-murdering in the most painful and gruesome ways.

A few-from the secret research I did- involved skinning the victim, pouring acid down their throats and other unspeakable ways that make me shudder in fear, tossing around in sweat with a feeling of danger looming over me, whenever my mind wandered to it.

"Mom, what do you think he means by keeping our guard up? I don't like the sound of that"

It was obvious that the station had seen the message from the killer, but it's probably being kept secret probably for the safety of everyone. Mom heaved a breath whiles Ava picked the remaining sliced apples left on the plate from preparing her lunch.

"I have no idea, but I know we're safe, so don't worry much." She hugged me from the side, kissing Ava and I on the head.

"Now, it's time to get you both off my hands. Let's go" Placing plates in the sink, we grabbed our bags and followed her outside to the car, with my sister literally bouncing ahead with every step. I wonder where the energy is coming from on an early Monday morning. The heaviness in my eyes needed a few more hours in bed but do I have a choice?

Once seated in our mom's black Ford, she lowers her head onto the steering wheel to pray as she does every morning before she sets off - and until she says 'Amen', our eyes remain closed.

As she pulled out of the driveway, the ride was silent for the most part until my little sister opened her mouth

"Mom, can I go and visit Zoe in the forest later on after school?" my gaze slowly settled on her. Strangely, I wasn't happy about that request but I brushed it off since she usually liked foraging in the woods and came back safe all the time.

Some months ago, Ava found a wounded fawn on her adventures and decided to nurse it back to health. None of us have actually seen it because mom's usually busy with her work as a nurse and house chores. As for me, I am too lazy to walk most of the time but we did promise her to do that one day.

"Yes, but be back early." She beamed with a nod, her curly black her, in tandem with her movements. As I observed Ava, the sister I grew to love, as I had never wanted a sibling initially, a strange uneasiness tugged at me.

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