Chapter Twenty-Four

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Y/N felt exhausted laying in they're bed after the whole thing last night. They were just waiting for their mother to call them about it. Any moment now. And then there was the ring.

They sighed and rubbed they're forehead, feeling irritated. They answered the phone. "Hello?" They said, they're tone sounding annoyed. "Honey...I'm so sorry about the whole thing. I just...panicked and I just couldn't accept what was to come." They're mother apologized. They sighed. "I know you're tired of me talking about him badly. But I was just concerned is all. You're father is sorry as well." She said. "Mom, listen. You need to give Billy a chance. Once he gets out of that asylum he's going to have to meet you one day. I don't want everything to go haywire." They sighed. "I'm sure he's nice. I promise to give him a chance. And I'll tell that to you're father. How is he?" They're mom asked. "He's doing okay. I check up on Billy every day now. I just can't seem to keep myself away from him." They chuckled softly, with a small blush. "Have you two even planned a date, yet?" She asked. "Yeah we have. It's that restaurant I told you about." They said. "Alright. Again, I've talked with everyone about the whole situation. Everyone feels bad for making you upset, and uncomfortable with the way we talked about him." They're mom said, with sadness in her tone. "It's fine. I'm just glad you're willing to see him as a good person and not...yeah." They said. "I promise I can do that. Anyways, I have to go now. Work calls." She said. "Alright. Bye mom." They both hung up and Y/N sighed feeling a little better.
It was almost February and Valentines Day. They wished they can spend it with Billy but he still had to stay at the asylum. And a side of the room to finish. Or maybe they can just sleep in the same bed since they're dating now? They didn't know.

Meanwhile with Billy, he was excited that another month we going to pass and that makes it less time to stay there until he was good to go. He was sitting in one of the chairs and talking with James. "I heard you're now dating the Y/N person. How's that goin?" James asked, playing with a tiny checkers piece. "It's going...wonderful." Billy said, daydreaming whilst looking at the table. "T-they're so...amazing. They look amazing. They're hands are so soft...I love them. I wanna get out to see them." Billy rambled. "But you see em everyday." James said. "I wanna see them out of here. To...spend more time with them again. I wanna see Claude too...I miss them both." Billy said. "Wow...It seems like you really love em." James said, moving his checkers piece, waiting for Billy's turn. Billy nodded with a smile and moved his. "I really do. I wanna go home with them." He said. They all of a sudden hear a door close and they see Y/N walking over to them with a smile.

"Hey, you two!" Y/N said. Billy hugged them really tight and kissed they're ear. "Hello, James!" They said. "Didn't think you'd actually remember me." He said, surprised. "Oh yeah, I do. Billy tells me about the games you guys play sometimes." They said, chuckling softly. "Huh. Cool." James said, with a smile. Y/N talked to them both while they both played Checkers. "Oh! You've started a series, already?" Y/N asked, Billy about the books he reads. "Yeah. It's very good." He smiled. "You seem to like a lot of mystery, do you?" Y/N asked, and chuckled. Billy softly chuckled and nodded. He even said that he made James read some of it. He seemed to enjoy the series as well. "Oh. And Billy..My mom talked about giving you a chance. And she said that she's..sorry about everything." Y/N said. Billy nodded. "I can't..blame her though." Billy said. Y/N sighed and rubbed his back. Then they realized the time.

"I've got to go, boys. Visiting hours are over for me." Y/N said. Billy grabbed they're sleeve. "You'll be back..right?" He asked. "Billy, you know I come here everyday. Of course, I will." They said and smiled. Billy smiled too and gave them a long but sweet kiss. "Love you." He said. They blushed immensely and smiled. "I love you too." They said. "Bye you two." They both waved at them, as they walked away back to the car with a smile.

Word Count: 781

Chapter Twenty-Four! Hope ya like it!

𝐎𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐞 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora