Chapter Thirteen

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Y/N then thought of something. "Do you wanna play Twister?" Billy looked at them. "Twi...ster?" He asked. "Yeah! It's this game where you put your hands and feet on different colors!" Y/N said. "Here I'll show you." They added. They went to the closet and pulled out the Twister game. They got out the matt and spread it out on the floor. They got out the spinner and Billy went in front of the matt. (I looked up 'board games in the 70's') "Okay. Now everytime I spin this you have to put either your hand or your foot on one of the colors." Y/N explained. Billy nodded. Y/N spun the spinner. "Left hand, green." They said. "So you would do this." They demonstrated. "Now you!" They said. Billy put his left hand on one of the green spots. "There you go!" They cheered. They spun it again. "Right foot, red." They said. They both did the same thing. After a few times, they let Billy be in charge of the spinner. He smiled brightly and after a few times he began to twist his body around. He then fell to the floor but smiled. Y/N put the Twister game up, and sat beside Billy on the floor. "Billy? Did you ever play board games? Ever?" They asked. "Billy played a few." He said. "Okay." They said. "I'll be right back. I gotta make your appointments." They said and went to the phone. They made appointments for a psychiatrist and a therapist. Meanwhile, Billy looked at Claude who was meowing for food. Billy smiled and got up to feed him. He found the cat food on the cat carrier and poured some into his bowl. Y/N returned and saw that Claude was already fed. They smiled at Billy. "Thank you." They said. They then looked outside. "Hey, it's still snowing outside! You wanna head out?" They asked. Billy smiled and nodded. "Okay! But first, your gonna need a thick coat. I don't want you getting frost bit." They said. They grabbed a thick coat and gave it to Billy. He puts it on, and snuggles up in it. He also put on some gloves and a scarf. "Okay let's go!" Y/N said. They opened the door and walked slowly outside to avoid slipping. "Careful, there's ice." Y/N said. Billy nodded and carefully stepped down the steps.

"Wanna build a snowman?" Y/N asked. Billy smiled. "Yes!" He said. "Okay. I'll get a carrot from inside the house real quick while you start building!" Y/N said. Billy nodded and began piling up snow. Y/N rushed inside and grabbed a carrot and rushed back outside. Y/N  then helped Billy make the bottom and the middle. Billy was then making the top of the snowman and Y/N went somewhere to find rocks hidden in the snow. Billy put on the stones and Y/N topped it off with a carrot. Billy then thought of something. "Hang on!"He said, and then ran somewhere. He grabbed a stick and wrote out his name on the snowman. Y/N chuckled. "I love it." They said. Billy all of a sudden leaned back and dropped to the ground on his back. He was making a snow angel, while giggling a bit. Y/N giggled too and joined him in making snow angels. He then got up off the ground as his hair was now covered in snow. Y/N got up as well. He then looked at them and places a kiss on their cheek. They jumped in surprise and looked at him. He smiled and then after a few seconds they smiled back.

They decided to go back inside and dusted themselves off from the snow. The phone then rang and Y/N went to pick it up. "Hello?" Y/N said."Hello there. Am I speaking to Ms/Mr/other L/N?" A voice asked. "Yes this is them." They said. "I'm calling to inform you that Ms. Bradford is in labor. And she requested you to be here. Are you able to be here?" A doctor asked.

𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 698

𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗! 𝙷𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚒𝚝!

(I had to rewrite it because I accidentally deleted it the first time)

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