Chapter 5

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3rd Person P.O.V

After narrowly escaping the witches and Billy, the kids ended up in some sort of underground tunnel.

"What is this place, Binx?" Max asked.

"It's the old Salem Crypt. It connects to the sewer and up to the street." Thackery answered.

"Charming." Allison remarked sarcastically. Max flicked his lighter on to provide some light, only to spot a few unpleasant sights.

"Oh, don't look up Dani." Max said.

"Don't worry, I won't." Dani said.

"Relax, I've hunted mice down here for years." Thackery told them

"Mice?" Dani questioned, thinking how unpleasant that sounded. The trio followed Binx through the sewers until they reached a manholes leading to the surface.

"Come along, not much further. Which way, which way? Oh, down here. Up the ladder. Come on. Careful." Thackery told them, jumping up onto Max's shoulder. Max handed the book to Allison before he climbed the ladder and lifted the manhole cover, allowing Thackery to slip out. Max heard the honk of a horn, and looked up in time to see a bus coming straight toward them.

"Binx, look out!" Max shouted, ducking back under the manhole, but Thackery wasn't quick enough to avoid getting run over. Max, Allison and Dani quickly climbed back up the ladder, only to see that Thackery had been squashed flat.

"Oh my god. This is all my fault." Max said.

"Max, it's not your fault." Allison told him. Suddenly, Thackery began inflate until he was returned to normal, much to their shock.

"Oh, I hate it when that happens. What? I told you, I can't die. Dani, you alright?" Thackery asked.

"Yeah." Dani answered with a smile.

"Okay, let's go." Binx said. The group continued walking and eventually made it into town, hurrying over to a nearby police officer, or so they thought.

"Officer! Officer!" Dani called.

"Officer, we need your help." Allison said.

"What's the problem?" The cop asked.

"Tell him. Go ahead." Dani said to Max.

"Well, um, well you see...I just moved here. Well you's like this...I...I um...I broke into the old Sanderson house and I brought the witches back from the dead. See I even have the book." Max explained, holding up Winifred's spellbook.

"You lit the black flame candle?" The cop asked.

"Yeah." Max answered. The cop got off his bike and got onto the sidewalk so that he was facing Max.

"And he's a virgin." Dani said. She was only trying to help, but all she was really doing was embarrassing her older brother.

"Are you a virgin?" The cop asked, although Max found it a little odd that that was what the cop had locked on to.

"Yeah. Look, I'll get it tattooed on my forehead, okay?" Max answered

"Officer, this is not a prank." Allison said.

"Hey! I put my life on the line to protect this community and you punks pull this? Get outta here. Take that cat with you." The four quickly walked away. Unknown to them, the man they had talked to wasn't actually a cop. He was only dressed like one for Halloween night.

"Great, so now what?" Allison asked.

"I guess our only option is to go to the party at Town Hall and try and tell our parents what's going on." Max answered. But even then, he wasn't sure his parents would believe them, especially since pretty much everyone in Salem believed that the story of the Sanderson sisters was just that, a story, so it was not going to be easy to convince people that the witches were actually real.

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