Chapter 1

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3rd Person P.O.V

In the town of Salem, on October 31st 1693, a shadowy cloaked figure could be seen flying through the sky, causing the animals outside to go into a state of panic. A boy sleeping in bed was woken up at a sudden noise. He looked at the bed next to his, only to see that it was empty.

"Emily?" The boy, Thackery Binx, questioned, but received no response. He got up and quickly left his house, hearing the faint sound of a woman singing, but he did not pay much attention to this as he continued to look for his sister. He then spotted his friend, and rushed over to him.

"Elijah! Elijah, have you seen my sister?" Thackery asked.

"Nay. But look, they conjure." Elijah answered, pointing toward the distant woods, where pink smoke could be seen rising above the trees from deep within the woods.

"Oh, god. The woods." Thackery said, before the two ran to the edge of the village. There, Thackery spotted Emily following a cloaked woman across the clearing and towards the woods.

"Emily!" Thackery called out, but Emily did not take any notice of him.

"She's done for." Elijah said.

"Not yet! Wake my father! Summon the elders! Go!" Thackery said, and Elijah rushed to comply, while Thackery raced across the field in order to try and catch up with his sister. He ran as fast as he could through the woods, though this resulted in him tripping and falling down a hill. When he looked up, he saw a cottage a distance in front of him, and saw the cloaked woman lead Emily inside. He approached the house and carefully peeked in through the window, seeing three old women crowded round his sister, who was sat calmly in a chair. He did have to duck down when the women turned to look in his direction, and quickly went to find a way to get into the cottage. He used the water wheel at the side to climb up and through an open window, which allowed him to watch from the rafters above. He knew who the three women were: Winifred, Mary and Sarah Sanderson. The entire town of Salem knew of them, and how they were behind the occasional disappearance of a child, but nothing was ever done because the townsfolk lived in fear of the three witches. Thackery watched as the three brewed their potion, with Sarah and Mary playfully bickering until Winifred stopped them, although he was unaware that there was a fourth person in the cottage, as this person was out of sight. It was only when the witches approached Emily with the potion, that Thackery made his move.

"No!" Thackery jumped down from the rafters, the sound of his voice gaining the attention of the three. He evaded Sarah and Mary by staying on the opposite side of the cauldron they were on, before pushing the cauldron and using it to knock them over, and then proceeding to spill the entire potion out. Unfortunately, this wasn't enough as Emily had already drank some of the potion. Thackery made an attempt to rescue his sister, only to be electrocuted by Winifred. Mary was the one who pointed out that Emily's life force was showing. The Sanderson Sisters were quick to consume Emily's life force, making themselves younger once more.

"I'm beautiful! Boys will love me!" Sarah exclaimed happily.

"They would, but they wouldn't get a chance with you, now would they?" Thackery heard a voice that did not belong to any of the three sisters.

"Of course they wouldn't, Rowena." Sarah answered.

"I thought not. Hmm, you look ravishing, my beloved Sarah. I just wish that your eternal youth did not have to cost an innocent child their life every time." Thackery was in disbelief when he saw the speaker, a brunette woman with piercing green eyes, walk over and put her arms around Sarah, who quite happily snuggled into the embrace before giving the brunette a quick kiss. He'd heard the rumours of Sarah Sanderson having a female lover, but he never would've imagined that it was true, much less that the lover in question was Rowena Pendragon, the town healer. Judging from the lack of surprise coming from Winifred and Mary, it had clearly been going on for some time and both were well aware of it. He remembered Rowena from the few times his family had visited her apothecary, as her herbal remedies were the miracle cures of Salem, and had always remembered her to be a warm and caring woman who did her best to help anyone who sought her aid. But his shock was soon replaced by anger over his failure to save his sister.

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