Betrayed World 13

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Jinzo: Ok so any questions

Everyone: No lets just move on 

Jinzo: Wow you all are broken seeing Izuku like this 


Jinzo: I guess that is True anyway This is the Last World 

Everyone: Really 

Jinzo: Yup the Last world then I will talk to you all about some Good world at the end 

Izuku: Jinzo let end this 

Jinzo: Ok Izuku so in this World Izuku Becomes well a Murderer and hunts down Class 1-A 

Mirko: We figured as Much 

Jinzo: Yes Yes anyway he goes by Michael Myers 

Mic: Why does that name sound familiar 

Jinzo: Don't know anyway Has Killed many of UA Students and Class 1-A he did Die but during his Time killing the Students some people created a Cult for him and brought him back with well a Ritual 

Aizawa: Lets just get this Over with 

Jinzo: Ok 

/We see a House at Night as we see Tsu holding a Knife as she is walking around as she hears a Noise and turns and points the Knife at Tokoyami/

Tokoyami: Its Just Me Babe 

Tsu: Oh Thank God wait where is 

/Tokoyami looked down/ 

Tokoyami: Iida and Uraraka didn't make it he trapped them in the School 

Tsu: Damn it even after we Apologise he is still killing us every Halloween 

Tokoyami: Well Halloween Kills 

Tsu: Really 

Tokoyami: Sorry anyway I believe he can't get Us We made sure to pay for the Best Security in the World 

/Just as he said that the Power to the House went off as they felt a Cold breeze and looked to see the Back Door opened/ 

Tsu: Shit he is in the House 

Tokoyami: Tsu call the Police and other Heroes I will stop him 

Tsu: No You Idiot 

/But it was to late Tokoyami left as Tsu Picked up the Phone and tried to Call the Police and Heroes but the Phone was Dead/ 

Tsu: Damn it Izuku We are Sorry 

/As 5 Minutes Go by as Tsy starts to walk around the House to Find Tokoyami as she takes a Corner as we see a Man in a White Mask step out of the Shadows and turns his head to watch Tsu go up the Stairs/ 

Tsu: Babe you up here 

/Just then Tsu saw a Shadow do across the wall as she looks back to see Tokoyami standing behind her as she sighs in relief just to see Tokoyami fall to the Ground with a Knife in his Back as she screams as she steps back just to hit something as she looks to see Izuku in the Michael Myers Mask as he pulls up a Knife/ 


/As we Cut to Morning as the Police are all over The House as  Momo and Todoroki are on the sidewalk watching as they look at each other/

Momo: We are the Only ones Left 

Shoto: We have a Year to prepare 

Momo: Then That is when Halloween Ends 

/The Screen Turns Back/

Jinzo: Ok that was the Last world but lets take a Break before talk and I send you back

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