Betrayed World 1

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(Alright I couldn't Help Myself, So Here is the First Betrayed World, Now In Some I will have some Video Clips of The Villain or Character I am Using for the World and Some Pictures)

(Anyway Enjoy the First Betrayed World, Betrayed World 2 will be out on Monday now)

Jinzo: Ok So Let me Give you all the Details of this World and then show you a Few Clips you can all Ask Questions after the Clips are done ok 

Everyone: Ok 

Jinzo: So in this World The LOV got Toga to transform into Izuku with what Little Blood she had of him, You all Believe the Video and beat him up, Mina throw Acid on his Face making his Right Side burn and his Right Eye Blinded 

Mina: I did what 

Jinzo: Sorry Mina, All Might Took back OFA and gave it to Katsuki 

AM: I wouldn't 

Jinzo: You did 

Izuku: What happened after 

Jinzo: This You was sent to Tartarus Prison and had to suffer getting Beaten by the Other prisoners the Only Friend you had left was Stain because he knew you wouldn't have Betrayed then, He protects you keeping your Sanity but He died Protecting you in Prison and you lost everything

Iida: Stain Protected Him 

Jinzo: Yes after that Izuku was Broken and Alone he wanted the Pain to go away, Around this Time the LOV came forth and told the World they Framed him, Making the people of Japan hate UA for betraying Izuku, They got him Out and tried to make it up to him but he was Different and left, And Wasn't seen again 

Inko: What Happen to My Baby 

Izumi: What Happened to My Onii-chan after he left 

Jinzo: I will show you 


Jinzo: Yes Izuku became a God after he left he found a Stone called the Philosopher's stone it gave him Speed that is Of a God he Became Savitar The God of Speed 

Ibara: But a God is supposed to be merciful, caring, loving not a Villain

Jinzo: Not all Gods are like that My Dear, I mean I have Killed and I am a God, We Gods Do what we Want, You piss us off we Smite you

Ibara: O-Ok 

Jinzo: Now another Video 

Aizawa: I tried to reason with him 

Jinzo: A Lot of you Tried but failed he Killed the ones that Tried 

Katsumi: How could that Us betray Ichan and turn him into that 

Shoka: It is only the First World and I hate the Other Mes 

Jinzo: Now lets watch when Past Izuku meets himself 

Izuku: Wait what 

Jinzo: Savitar you goes to the Past and meets his Younger self to mess with 

/We see Izuku looking at himself in the Future/ 

Izuku (Savitar): It's Like Looking in a Mirror well, Not Quit 

/He points to His Face/ 

Izuku (Past): Who Are you 

Izuku (Savitar): I am You but I outgrow Green 

Izuku (Past): What happen to you or ahh Me

Izuku (Savitar): Oh I been waiting for this question Izuku, Everything was Going so well Life was peaceful until the LOV decide to Frame me, Everyone betrayed me Beat me Up, Throw me into Tartarus to fight and Survive by myself, My Life was Destroy by them 

Izuku (Past): They Wouldn't have done that 

Izuku (Savitar): Oh But they Did Izuku My Face was Burned by That Bitch Mina and Was Blinded by her Acid Also, My Ribs Broken by kicks from Iida, Punches by Sato, My Legs Smashed my Ojiro's Tail and many Others, All Might Took OFA back the Teachers didn't do Shit to Stop them or to Prove I was Innocent, I was a Villain, A DISPOSABLE HERO 

Izuku (Past): How did you become 

Izuku (Savitar): Savitar, I was Broken and Alone, I wanted the Pain to end that is when I realised the Truth Izuku, God feels no Pain, All I had to Do is Become one and I only need two more things, For The LOV to Frame you so you are driven so Far so that I can be born

Izuku (Past): And the Other

Izuku (Savitar): It may sound ironic given to who I'm talking to but I keep that one to Myself 

Izuku (Past): What Happens when If I kill myself or Tell Everyone Right Now about the Future if I do that I will never turn into you 

Izuku (Savitar): Cause and effect is actually a Tricky Thing, See this is the Thing about Time Travel Izuku the More you Do it the more the Rules don't apply to you and I Time Traveled a Lot

Izuku (Past): But Us having this conversation now we're changing the future aren't we

Izuku (Savitar): Are we?, My ascendants is coming Closer and when All Time is Mine it will be them that is abandoned and forgotten

/The Screen Turns Black/ 

Jinzo: That was that world 

Inko: Please tell me that Izuku didn't get Framed because that Izuku knew it was coming please tell me that The Heroes Believe my Baby was Innocent

Jinzo: I wish I could Inko, Izuku was still betrayed even after he tried to Stop it, He became Broken and Alone and Became Savitar Killed everyone that Betrayed him and became Feared by Everyone 

Momo: Are all worlds like this 

Jinzo: This One was a Little More Tamed 

Izuku: What do you Mean 

Jinzo: This World is Not Bad compares to some Other Worlds 

Everyone was shocked and bow Scared to watch more world 

Jinzo: Now lets move one 

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